ESP8266 gateway - where are SPI pins defined?
I'm working with an Adafruit HUZZAH ESP8266 breakout, I wish to use it as my Gateway. wish to use these pins on the HUZZAH to interface with the NRF24L01 radio:
4 - CE
5 - CSN/CS
12 - SCK
13 - MOSI
14 - MISOI've spent some time searching the forums and looking thru .h files, but I'm still not sure where the SPI pins are defined.
What file defines these pins?
I think I've found what I needed in the header of ESP8266Gateway.ino:
* See for wiring instructions. * The ESP8266 however requires different wiring: * nRF24L01+ ESP8266 * VCC VCC * CE GPIO4 * CSN/CS GPIO15 * SCK GPIO14 * MISO GPIO12 * MOSI GPIO13
@KrisJacobs What you've found is only the text describing the pin connections.
The ESP8266 uses its SPI port on pins GPIO12..14 to communicate to the radio. These pins are fixed.
Only the CE & CSN/CS pin can be changed.
They are defined here and here in the development branch (which you'd better use with the ESP).
Awesome, exactly what I was looking for, thank you Yveaux!