Presentation of local sensor with GatewayESP8266MQTTClient seems to fail
Hi MySensors,
I was doing some tests yesterday with an ESP8266-01 as an MQTT Client Gateway. Really impressive work from you Henrik and the rest of the team.
When trying to add a local sensor to the ESP8266MQTTClient Gatway, the Presentation part doesn't seems to work. Nothing is being sent to the MQTT Broker.
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <MySensor.h>MyMessage msg(1,V_TRIPPED);
void setup() {
}void presentation() {
// Present locally attached sensors here
sendSketchInfo("Test", "1.0");
present(1, S_DOOR);
}If I add the same commands to the loop they're being sent forward to the Broker.
void loop() {
// Present locally attached sensors here
sendSketchInfo("Test", "1.0");
present(1, S_DOOR);
}I'm using ESP8266-01 for my tests without any radio (NRF24L01/RFM69) attached.
The rest is working great, so far.// Enables and select radio type (if attached)
//#define MY_RADIO_NRF24
//#define MY_RADIO_RFM69I'm using the development branch, and it's up-to date.
Hmm.. that has probably been forgotten for the MQTT client gateway...
Could you try adding:
if (presentation) presentation();
Yes, that fixed the issue. Thanks.