IR Sensor How to Use Manual codes

  • Hi There,

    I'm planning to use the IR sketch to try and control my NAD Amp. I have found the the IR codes for the Amp on their website|D 3020 Remote Codes

    But I'm unclear how I translate this into the sketch, as they look somewhat different to the examples that are already in the IR Sensor sketch.

    If anyone is able to point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated, Thanks

  • Admin

    @Matt-Pitts It might be easier to add an IR receiver (temporarily) to your IR node and record the IR values using your NAD Amp remote. With a little googling, you might be able to find resources that translate the downloadable codes (often Pronto format) to the IR code format used by IRLib on Arduino.

  • Hi I've just tried recording one button press IR value from my remote and this if what I get in the serial monitor, which does make much sense to me, can someone help out here??

    Decoded Unknown: Value:0 (0 bits)
    Raw samples(100): Gap:34750
    Head: m450 s3500
    0:m250 s3450 1:m250 s3450 2:m250 s3450 3:m200 s3500
    4:m200 s3500 5:m200 s3500 6:m150 s3500 7:m200 s3500
    8:m200 s3500 9:m200 s3500 10:m200 s3500 11:m200 s3500
    12:m200 s3450 13:m250 s3450 14:m250 s3450 15:m200 s3550

    16:m200 s3500 17:m200 s3500 18:m200 s3500 19:m250 s3500
    20:m200 s3500 21:m250 s3450 22:m250 s3500 23:m200 s3500
    24:m200 s3500 25:m250 s3500 26:m200 s3500 27:m250 s3450
    28:m250 s3500 29:m250 s3450 30:m250 s3450 31:m250 s3500

    32:m250 s3450 33:m250 s3450 34:m250 s3500 35:m200 s3500
    36:m250 s3450 37:m250 s3500 38:m250 s3450 39:m250 s3500
    40:m250 s3450 41:m250 s3500 42:m250 s3450 43:m250 s3500
    44:m200 s3500 45:m250 s3500 46:m250 s3450 47:m250 s3500

    Mark min:150 max:250
    Space min:3450 max:3550

    TSP:MSG:SEND 4-4-0-0 s=3,c=1,t=24,pt=0,l=8,sg=0,ft=0,st=ok:00000000
    Decoded Unknown: Value:0 (0 bits)
    Raw samples(2): Gap:5750
    Head: m300 s3500

    Mark min:32767 max:0
    Space min:32767 max:0

    TSP:MSG:SEND 4-4-0-0 s=3,c=1,t=24,pt=0,l=8,sg=0,ft=0,st=ok:00000000

  • OK I used the sketch directly from Github and got these values, but not sure what to do with them now? There seem to be little in the way of instructions for how to set this up?

    power on - UNKONWN C75375AC
    power off - UNKONWN 52E87F1D
    source up - UNKONWN 5E467F07
    source down - UNKONWN 5299205C
    vol up - UNKONWN 8086D9D7
    vol up - UNKONWN 8086D9D7

  • Admin

    @Matt-Pitts Looks like you are making good progress but I am surprised that volume up and down are the same - perhaps you need to confirm by recording them again.

    Effectively, you will want to create a sketch that sends an IR value based upon the message received. There is some prior art in this forum post that sends and on/off code in response to V_LIGHT messages being received. You can start by using that sketch to simply turn your AMP on and off by replacing the codes sent in the sketch. Once you have that working, then you can extend the sketch to support the additional codes by adding 2 child devices for source and volume control.

    Does this help?

  • Thanks @blacey I'll give that a go tomorow and report back, really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction

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