Detect who wake up sensor .. INT0,INT1 or timeout..
I tested **Binary Sensor Sleep ** and working ... Is there any way how to check that wake up sensor from Timeout setting value or from INT1 , INT0??
I want every 1 minutes wake up and send info about sensor (battery , temperature) to serial gateway ..regards.
/** * Sleep (PowerDownMode) the Arduino and radio. Wake up on timer or pin change. * See: for details on modes and which pin * is assigned to what interrupt. On Nano/Pro Mini: 0=Pin2, 1=Pin3 * @param interrupt Interrupt that should trigger the wakeup * @param mode RISING, FALLING, CHANGE * @param ms Number of milliseconds to sleep or 0 to sleep forever * @return true if wake up was triggered by pin change and false means timer woke it up. */ bool sleep(uint8_t interrupt, uint8_t mode, unsigned long ms=0); /** * Sleep (PowerDownMode) the Arduino and radio. Wake up on timer or pin change for two separate interrupts. * See: for details on modes and which pin * is assigned to what interrupt. On Nano/Pro Mini: 0=Pin2, 1=Pin3 * @param interrupt1 First interrupt that should trigger the wakeup * @param mode1 Mode for first interrupt (RISING, FALLING, CHANGE) * @param interrupt2 Second interrupt that should trigger the wakeup * @param mode2 Mode for second interrupt (RISING, FALLING, CHANGE) * @param ms Number of milliseconds to sleep or 0 to sleep forever * @return Interrupt number wake up was triggered by pin change and negative if timer woke it up. */ int8_t sleep(uint8_t interrupt1, uint8_t mode1, uint8_t interrupt2, uint8_t mode2, unsigned long ms=0);
Then in Loop declare new wariable for example : static int8_t wakeup;
and do this : wakeup=sensor_node.sleep(...); and test if less then 0 then timeout or more then 0 are INT0 or INT1
is it right??