Delay/Sleep RPi Gateway With Sensors
Hi All,
I've put together a RPi MQTT gateway and attached a BME280 sensor to it, which is working well.
My question is, will calling delay() or sleep() in loop() in "examples_linux/mysgw.cpp" for the RPi attached sensors have an impact on the function of the gateway?
If it was a remote node it would be okay to delay or sleep for 5 minutes and then send another round of data, but how is the RPi Gateway handling loop()? Is it running on a separate thread/process from the main gateway process?
Thanks, and thanks for a great system, really enjoying using it!
@geoff yes, calling delay or sleep will stop all processing. Use wait.
Edit: calling sleep will actually return immediately with return value MY_SLEEP_NOT_POSSIBLE so you can call it, but nothing will happen.
@mfalkvidd Thanks for the assistance!