Vera plus and senbender gateway

  • Hi there.
    I have upgraded from vera lite to vera plus, is there anyone who is running this config that have a working code for the sensebender gateway serial och with the w5100 ethernet sheild??

    have tried the serial code on the sensebender gw but the vera does not recognize anything on the usb port.

  • Martin, I don't run a sensenbender gateway, but I do have a vera plus with a regular gateway built with a pro-mini that I run as a serial gateway. First off, how do you have your sensenbender connected to your Vera? You mentioned that you tried the serial code on the sensenbebder gw. For that you need to connect to it with a USB to serial adapter such as an FTDI adapter. I have found that some serial port adapter chipsets do not work with the vera (at least on mine) such as the CH340 chipset versions. You need an actual FTDI or 2303 chipset version (I have used both on my vera plus). When you plug everything in and go to Apps > Develop apps > Serial Port Configuration, do you see a serial port showing in there? If so, what are your Baud, Parity, Data bits, Stop bits and Used by device settings?

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