Everyone is need some kind of power supply for the project. Some time AC-DC is needed.
From a few years of hobby I did a following list for myself:
- list item isolated AC-DC
1.1 purchased as adapter
1.2 purchased in separate box
1.3 purchased to be put on PCB
- nonisolated AC-DC
2.1 soldered capacitor based
2.2 soldered switching inductor less
2.3 soldered switching with inductor
More or less a coprehensive listm, with proc and cons depending of the project.
I prefer to solder things, but you see that I put all isolated as purchased. It is all about transformers.
I'm scared about transformers - you need to properly design it, you need to wire it and build.
Now I can tell that I do not scared any more)
But to simplify start I ordered transformers build for the 5/12V output at power up to 3W. It is best sutable for most of my applications.

A testing board was created:

soldered and tested:

result of test as expected. at 13V output I coould get 3W of power with moderated heating
schematic is based on LNK364
By next step I will order PCB for my DIN Rail LEGO project: