Interesting projects
I'm looking to create a counter that counts the number of times the temperature reaches above 30 degrees.
Intend to use it when I bonfires
Have you learned LUA on the internet?
Interesting projects
I'm looking to create a counter that counts the number of times the temperature reaches above 30 degrees.
Intend to use it when I bonfires
Have you learned LUA on the internet?
Have you restore the EERPOM memory ?
* The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
* between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
* The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
* repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
* network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
* Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
* Full contributor list:
* Documentation:
* Support Forum:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This sketch clears radioId, relayId and other routing information in EEPROM back to factory default
// load core modules only
#define MY_CORE_ONLY
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <MySensors.h>
void setup()
Serial.println("Started clearing. Please wait...");
for (int i=0;i<EEPROM_LOCAL_CONFIG_ADDRESS;i++) {
Serial.println("Clearing done. You're ready to go!");
void loop()
// Nothing to do here...
} ```
* The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
* between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
* The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
* repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
* network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
* Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
* Full contributor list:
* Documentation:
* Support Forum:
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This sketch clears radioId, relayId and other routing information in EEPROM back to factory default
// load core modules only
#define MY_CORE_ONLY
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <MySensors.h>
void setup()
Serial.println("Started clearing. Please wait...");
for (int i=0;i<EEPROM_LOCAL_CONFIG_ADDRESS;i++) {
Serial.println("Clearing done. You're ready to go!");
void loop()
// Nothing to do here...
I got a problem when I would vertifiera sketch
Does anyone have a working sketch dallas and DHT
summation Use extern 3,3V feed when you use
#define **MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL RF24_PA_HIGH **
When I build Repeater
wait insted of sleep
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 3 // Pin where dallase sensor is connected
#define MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20 16
unsigned long **WAIT_TIME **= 30000; // Sleep time between reads (in milliseconds)
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS); // Setup a oneWire instance to communicate with any OneWire devices (not just Maxim/Dallas temperature ICs)
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire); // Pass the oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature.
float lastTemperature[MAX_ATTACHED_DS18B20];
int numSensors=0;
bool receivedConfig = false;
bool metric = true;
// Initialize temperature message
MyMessage msg(0,V_TEMP);
// sleep() call can be replaced by wait() call if node need to process incoming messages (or if node is repeater)
@BartE Thanks
So i need too feed extern with 3 volt or select standard NRF24L01+
Can you also explain reapeter funtion ?
If i should change to wait insted of sleep
Can someone please explanin for me ?
how should i do ?
If I 'm building a reapeter
#define MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL RF24_PA_LOW *or HIGH *
Should I change to wait insted of sleep ? or only include **#define MY_REPEATER_NODE **
I use a PA+LNA ,
Is it better to use standard NRF24L01+?
Hi Guys
¨Can someone explain for me when should i use Low and HIGH for RF 24
#define MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL RF24_PA_LOW
If a use high
should i feed with extern 3 v ?
Is there a difference with an external antenna LNA?
Hello, I'm just finished with 3 cards and test . I read on I'll connect NRF24L01+ Radio whit decoupling capacitor of 47µF and on your card whit 4,7µF
What is the difference?