I am trying to set up a lora gateway, and i found a BIG inconvenience. Cannot be used via GPIO serial ports?!¿
-Raspberry pi 3b
-Arduino pro mini 3.3v
-Ra-01 (Ai-Thinker)
LoRa node already tested.
Gateway only works if i manually reset the arduino at the time Hass opens the serial port.
This is normal beheaviour for arduinos with USB-Serial conversor included.
I can try to copy the beheaviour using DTR pin on FT232, but simply don't knoww a way to copy the beheaviour using GPIO serial ports.
Seems Hass waits for MySensors gateway boot message, but gateway is already up since time.
But everithing works well i push reset button on message: "INFO (MainThread) [mysensors] Connected to Serial<..."
Is there any way out?