This is sensor board i've made 2 days ago

Best posts made by jendrush
RE: serial reading
I have little success too. I modified some code from other project, and now i can report temperatures(DS18B20), temperatures + humidity(DHT22), motion sensor to Domoticz. Today i will try to handle turning on, and off a switch, and also i am planning to modify relay code to handle my wireless 433MHz wall plugs to work as normal relay. Next time maybe reading status of power meter? But in this case i see a problem - how to read last value of acumulated energy from Domoticz? Now some information about solution. Serial gateway is connected to Raspberry Pi(Domoticz), and there is Node.js script. Script can read, and send messages through serial, and post links to Domoticz by JSON.
RE: [contest] Yet another servo blind control project
@slarti said:
What is the best way to disable the power LED? Desolder it?
You can cut the pcb trace leading to this led.
RE: Forum data loss
@hek This is everything i can get from google cache - .
RE: [SOLVED] Problem with GatewayESP8266.ino compilation
Thank you for the suggestion. I have changed boards definition by board manager many times, but didn't try just deleting folder. I will try this later today.
@mfalkvidd One more question. Which versions of board manager, MySensors library, and Ardino IDE you suggest? Newest will be best?
RE: [SOLVED] Problem with GatewayESP8266.ino compilation
@mfalkvidd Deleting that folder(and reinstalling everything once again) helped. After succesfull upload i've looked at serial monitor(without connecting nrf), and there was few messages. Next i've connected radio, and it stopped working. Problem was capacitor on radio. Without capacitor everything is working ok. Thank you again.
Latest posts made by jendrush
RE: [SOLVED] Problem with GatewayESP8266.ino compilation
@mfalkvidd Deleting that folder(and reinstalling everything once again) helped. After succesfull upload i've looked at serial monitor(without connecting nrf), and there was few messages. Next i've connected radio, and it stopped working. Problem was capacitor on radio. Without capacitor everything is working ok. Thank you again.
RE: [SOLVED] Problem with GatewayESP8266.ino compilation
Thank you for the suggestion. I have changed boards definition by board manager many times, but didn't try just deleting folder. I will try this later today.
@mfalkvidd One more question. Which versions of board manager, MySensors library, and Ardino IDE you suggest? Newest will be best?
[SOLVED] Problem with GatewayESP8266.ino compilation
I wanted to try wireless gateway with NodeMCU. Unfurtunately i can't compile sketch. I've tried newest version of Arduino IDE, and oldest(1.6.5), tried older ESP8266 board definition (2.4.1), and recent 2.5.0, tried newest version of MySensors, and older(2.0.0). I am getting two types of compilation errors. One is related to not recognizing NodeMCU -
"Board nodemcuv2 (platform esp8266, package esp8266) is unknown
Error compiling for board NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)."
Second error is related to including EEPROM.h in MyHwESP8266.cpp -
"EEPROM.h: No such file or directory ". I don't know what to do. Could you help me somehow?
RE: 💬 AC-DC double solid state relay module
@Nca78 said:
Anyway if you have requirement for a board that would be both easy to solder and safe even outside of electrical box, can you send them to me by private message ? I'm working on such a board and I'm opened to any improvement ideas of use cases that would not be filled by currently available boards.
I've just thought about little node that could be mounted in almost every room, and be barely visible. This box below ceiling is quite good place for this. I have plan to do something like dome(3d printed) instead of flat box cover to fit electronics there. As i told in previous messages i would like to have node that could turn on/off light, read temperature, movement, and light level by LDR.
RE: 💬 AC-DC double solid state relay module
@Nca78 said:
Hello, I would not advise to use this board with sensors accessible to fingers. The spacing between main voltage and low voltage traces is too narrow at some points on the board and a short circuit is possible. It is fine/safe to use only in a closed box or connected to wall switches as they are designed to be safe with main voltage.
I think that woundn't be so risky becouse o think about mounting it not behind light buttons, but in this box just below ceiling(where wires crossing their paths), this box is placed more than 2 meters above floor level.
RE: 💬 AC-DC double solid state relay module
Very nice project. I would like to have access to few more pins to add some functionality like motion sensor, and light sensor. Of course those would be outside of the wall
RE: State of the physical switch
@mainali Ok, i understand now that you have to use old switch as well. I have replaced my old switch(it was turning light by closing circuit) with button(momentum) switch. Of course i needed to change a lot of things(adding powersource for arduino, and relay, connecting switch with arduino etc).
RE: State of the physical switch
@mainali I've changed my two way switch to one way. So i can control my light with phisical button, and also by app.
RE: Compact design relay with button
Your device is powered by 5V, or maybe 230V?