@mfalkvidd Deleting that folder(and reinstalling everything once again) helped. After succesfull upload i've looked at serial monitor(without connecting nrf), and there was few messages. Next i've connected radio, and it stopped working. Problem was capacitor on radio. Without capacitor everything is working ok. Thank you again.

Posts made by jendrush
RE: [SOLVED] Problem with GatewayESP8266.ino compilation
RE: [SOLVED] Problem with GatewayESP8266.ino compilation
Thank you for the suggestion. I have changed boards definition by board manager many times, but didn't try just deleting folder. I will try this later today.
@mfalkvidd One more question. Which versions of board manager, MySensors library, and Ardino IDE you suggest? Newest will be best?
[SOLVED] Problem with GatewayESP8266.ino compilation
I wanted to try wireless gateway with NodeMCU. Unfurtunately i can't compile sketch. I've tried newest version of Arduino IDE, and oldest(1.6.5), tried older ESP8266 board definition (2.4.1), and recent 2.5.0, tried newest version of MySensors, and older(2.0.0). I am getting two types of compilation errors. One is related to not recognizing NodeMCU -
"Board nodemcuv2 (platform esp8266, package esp8266) is unknown
Error compiling for board NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP-12E Module)."
Second error is related to including EEPROM.h in MyHwESP8266.cpp -
"EEPROM.h: No such file or directory ". I don't know what to do. Could you help me somehow?
RE: 💬 AC-DC double solid state relay module
@Nca78 said:
Anyway if you have requirement for a board that would be both easy to solder and safe even outside of electrical box, can you send them to me by private message ? I'm working on such a board and I'm opened to any improvement ideas of use cases that would not be filled by currently available boards.
I've just thought about little node that could be mounted in almost every room, and be barely visible. This box below ceiling is quite good place for this. I have plan to do something like dome(3d printed) instead of flat box cover to fit electronics there. As i told in previous messages i would like to have node that could turn on/off light, read temperature, movement, and light level by LDR.
RE: 💬 AC-DC double solid state relay module
@Nca78 said:
Hello, I would not advise to use this board with sensors accessible to fingers. The spacing between main voltage and low voltage traces is too narrow at some points on the board and a short circuit is possible. It is fine/safe to use only in a closed box or connected to wall switches as they are designed to be safe with main voltage.
I think that woundn't be so risky becouse o think about mounting it not behind light buttons, but in this box just below ceiling(where wires crossing their paths), this box is placed more than 2 meters above floor level.
RE: 💬 AC-DC double solid state relay module
Very nice project. I would like to have access to few more pins to add some functionality like motion sensor, and light sensor. Of course those would be outside of the wall
RE: State of the physical switch
@mainali Ok, i understand now that you have to use old switch as well. I have replaced my old switch(it was turning light by closing circuit) with button(momentum) switch. Of course i needed to change a lot of things(adding powersource for arduino, and relay, connecting switch with arduino etc).
RE: State of the physical switch
@mainali I've changed my two way switch to one way. So i can control my light with phisical button, and also by app.
RE: Compact design relay with button
Your device is powered by 5V, or maybe 230V?
RE: Controllers and Graph
Graphs in Domoticz looks very nice. They are using HighCharts for graphs.
RE: [contest] Yet another servo blind control project
@slarti said:
What is the best way to disable the power LED? Desolder it?
You can cut the pcb trace leading to this led.
RE: Domoticz full integration
I have a question. If someone is using pulse power meter with new version of Domoticz please tell me if Domoticz is able to send last know value of kwh to node?
RE: RELAY_ON 0 or 1?
If i think correct some relays are activated by high state, but some by low state. If i'm wrong, please correct me.
RE: PCB design and production
@ferpando Your's PCB looks more pro than mine:) But designing pcb for home etching is little harder becouse there is no easy way to make double sided soldering points, so every soldering point must be at one side of pcb.
RE: PCB design and production
@marceltrapman said:
I noticed that you do top and bottom layer also on connectors.
How do you solder that?I have read a lot about creating your own pcb's and all seem to suggest to use via's...
I am using VIA too. Only this board for 5110 display have soldering points on both sides becouse display is connected on the one side, rest on the other. Normally all soldering points have to be on one side.
RE: SerialGateway Standalone not working
Are you using serial gateway sketch, and example sketch in the same version?
RE: PCB design and production
My new pcb's. Smallest for room light, to fit behind wall switch. Second(left) is for kitchen - 3 ds18b20(kitchen temp, fridge temp, and freezer temp), motion sensor, 1602 display, and 2 contact switches for fridge door. Last is for nokia 5110 display, and motion sensor. I can display anything i want on this node.
RE: 200pc female-female jumper cables from store - never delivered?
@naveen It's 3 weeks from first order? Usually they have max delivery time about 45 days. My FTDI USB to TTL from store arrived in 45 day from order(max delivery time).
RE: Turn On/Off relay in windows 7
@jendrush said:
I agree, and i did write sample message 15;1;1;0;2;1. This 0 is for not requesting ACK.
RE: Turn On/Off relay in windows 7
@ch3b7 Send command by serial monitor. In serial monitor window (at the bottom) choose NL(New Line), type something like this 15;1;1;0;2;1(radio id 15, child id, and sensor number 1) in input field, and push send. At the end of the command 1 means relay on, 0 means relay off.
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@Dennis-van-Velzen Just order 10pcs of radio, and arduino from china:)
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@Zeph said:
Which board are you quoting prices for, jendrush?
Board that i designed, and etched myself:)
RE: Multiple DH-11 Sensors on the same Arduino Pin?
In Poland it usually tooks months, maybe even a year, and at the end policeman can told you NO without any reasonable couse
RE: Multiple DH-11 Sensors on the same Arduino Pin?
@clippermiami I envy you that you have such easy way to get a gun.
RE: Multiple DH-11 Sensors on the same Arduino Pin?
@clippermiami Can't you solder this additional cable direct to pin? Redesigning PCB is better solution, but this is little faster:)
RE: Multiple DH-11 Sensors on the same Arduino Pin?
@clippermiami Just use another pin:) You can connect many sensors to one node.
RE: Transformers
Maybe small usb wall charger for 1,4$, and regulator from 5V to 3.3V for 0,1$ would be good solution?
RE: Getting started - a few specific questions
@hazymat said:
What's the maximum length of cable I should use to connect the sensors to the nodes? I'm thinking CAT6 cable for e.g. 3 sensors in a ceiling back to a nano. Then another CAT6 to another sensor in a different place back to the same nano. Approximate distances of a given run would be 5-10m.
At this moment i have DHT22 connected by about 12m long wires from ethernet cable, and it's work ok, but before this i tried to connect ds18b20 by 1-wire protocol directly to Raspberry Pi, and Domoticz, and it didn't work.
RE: My sensorboard MYS 1.0beta
@Mrlynx said:
nice work.
Thank you. This is only temperature board, but best part of this board is cost.
Piece of PCB ~30 cents,
pins ~30 cents,
power connector ~10 cents,
capacitor+resistor ~ 10 cents,
3.3V regulator ~ 10 cents
less than 1$ for complete board, and about 7$ for all parts including radio, arduino mini, wall usb charger, and cables:) This is power of MySensors!
Thank you @Hek, and rest of the team!
RE: Motion Sensor, flaky behavior
@BulldogLowell I fried my breadbord power supply by connecting broken power adaptor(it have me about 13-14V instead of up to 12V), this fried AMS1117 5V. I replaced it, and it's working proper again.
RE: Send data to other sensor
@Yveaux Yes, example messages. Something like that - i have temperature from dht22 on one node, and i want to send this value to example node with radio id 2. Second thing, how to pick this value on radio node with id 2?
RE: Send data to other sensor
@Yveaux Could you write sample messages to send from node, and receive value on another?
RE: CloudFlare
@hek said:
Ha.. good to have the mysesnors family team spread around the globe
Agree!!!! This is nice:)
RE: DIY case idea
@lininger I've thought about this solution too. This could be cheapest case out there:)
RE: rboard - Cheap relay/radio/arduino board ~$10
Nice price. How much for shipping?
RE: Permaproto MySensor
@tannewt said:
Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 3.3V/8MHz $9.95
~3.5$ on ebay
RHT03 Temp/Humidity $8.96
~4.3$ on ebay
RE: Your workshop :)
This could be nice thread:) I will post my photos soon:)
RE: Requesting a sensor value from a different node?
If someone have this converted to 1.4 version of library please post it.
RE: Preferred connection method - USB, Ethernet or GPIO?
I am using serial gateway for simple reason. I have simple script in node.js to manage serial messages. Gateway is powered from RPi, and it's working just ok.
Problem with Energy Pulse Meter with Beta 1.4
I have problem with energy Pulse Meter. I am turning on node, sending last known value of acumulated energy, and in serial monitor i see: Received last pulse count from gw:9322. After this nothing is happening. There should be at least Watt value on serial monitor. Anyone have this working?
RE: Open Source Home Automation (Raspberry)
@Anticimex said:
I have a pathological hatred for anything Java related, and especially on resource-limited devices so any HA solution based on that is ruled out by me. I tried openHab but could not get it to work properly, and it was s.l.o.w.
I can confirm that. I've tried OpenHub Demo, and it was very slow on RPi. Idea for OpenHUB is nice, but Java kills this idea on slower machines.
RE: Standard versus LNA+PA radio modules
@bjornhallberg Why should i laugh?:) Case is a case:) If it's working ok, its ok:)
About Uno and Nano max output - i connected Nano for quick time, and dont know if sending, or receiving work/not work. It just failed as repeater node, and i quickly changed this to standard nRF24L01+. On Uno Gateway nRF24L01+ LNA+PA is working ok all the time. I needed repeater becouse i was trying to receive message from temp+hum outdoor sensor. Now i've received second nRF24L01+ LNA+PA, so i will make PCB for repeater(Arduino Mini Pro, nRF24L01+ LNA+PA, AMS1117 3.3V regulator, and capacitor for radio).
RE: Standard versus LNA+PA radio modules
@bjornhallberg At this moment i have gateway on Arduino Uno, and nRF24L01+ LNA+PA is working ok. But when i tried nRF24L01+ LNA+PA with nano it didn't work.
RE: Open Source Home Automation (Raspberry)
@bjornhallberg said:
Hmm. It IS open source, but does it run on the RPi? Seems to be Windows only?
You are right. It looks like it is only for Windows now.
RE: Etching my own boards
@marceltrapman said:
Looking forward to hear about your experience...
I've tested this stand before moment. Generally not bad, but stability isn't "spectacular". If we have holes in pins, like @axillent mentioned there is no problem with drilling. Most important is that drilling with this stand is really more convinient than without:) I can't complaint to much, becouse more proffesional drilling stand with driller costs about 20 times more than this:)
RE: 1.4 Beta
@hek said:
It's a change in the serial protocol for 1.4.
Could you describe it better keeping in mind my problem with Relay? How the message should look like to turn on Relay? Previously message like this worked ok - 11;1;1;2;1.
RE: Etching my own boards
I think quality is not that bad, but etching lasted too long(due to a little bit to low temperature), so traces are little overetched.
RE: Open Source Home Automation (Raspberry)
We could add this for the list http://www.opensourceautomation.com/
RE: Etching my own boards
@axillent @marceltrapman Welcome back:)
My (cheap ~15$ with shipping) driller stand arrived yesterday. Soon i will try how good/bad it is for drilling PCB holes. This is my equiplent for drilling: http://ppl.ug/Gz9FbbglsWE/ . You probably have seen my photos https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ec4ap8dgci1oe0p/AAD3YIqS_JqKMiUFu9TAfF5Ca .
1, and 2 - right after transfering toner with proper paper, and laminator, and after about 5 minutes in water to get rid of paper
3 - during the etching process with sodium persuflate, and container like this http://img14.allegroimg.pl/photos/oryginal/44/06/46/49/4406464944
4, and 5 look after etching process
6, and 7 look after cleaning from toner -
RE: Forum data loss
@hek This is everything i can get from google cache - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/lf0cc8fhpijvuoj/AADoKwcwn_Ql26ll_TYrhJdUa .
RE: Forum data loss
Big loss... Hope users will stay here. Forum needs help more than ever.
PCB design and production
I do not remember who started this topic. But this time i will start. Those are my photos from custom PCB production https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ec4ap8dgci1oe0p/AAD3YIqS_JqKMiUFu9TAfF5Ca . This is my second PCB, first was made 12 years ago for school project. I've made few mistakes, but next board will be much much better.
RE: 1.4 Beta
@Hek Ok, so last time i was writing about my problem with latest version of this beta, and Relays not working. When i am sending message, example 11;1;1;2;1 with, or wothout newline char nothing happen. Even stranger is that serial gateway giving me message with 4 segments, istead of normal 5. Look at the screenshoot: http://screenshooter.net/1288732/vlliswb . This is Relay + button, but same thing is with Relay alone.
RE: serial reading
Now i am lack of arduinos, DHT22 is connected directly to atmega on breadboard:) Maybe i recieve this week few of 4 i've ordered lately.
I have one Stellaris launchpad, someone tried to make it work with mysensors?
RE: serial reading
I have little success too. I modified some code from other project, and now i can report temperatures(DS18B20), temperatures + humidity(DHT22), motion sensor to Domoticz. Today i will try to handle turning on, and off a switch, and also i am planning to modify relay code to handle my wireless 433MHz wall plugs to work as normal relay. Next time maybe reading status of power meter? But in this case i see a problem - how to read last value of acumulated energy from Domoticz? Now some information about solution. Serial gateway is connected to Raspberry Pi(Domoticz), and there is Node.js script. Script can read, and send messages through serial, and post links to Domoticz by JSON.
RE: good karma
@aliasdoc Hek is founder/cofounder of mysensors:) I am right?:)
RE: good karma
@aliasdoc said:
They don't communicate. I double checked wiring, all is OK. Need help thanks.
Do you have a capacitor between power, and ground? I have had same problem, and it helped.
RE: Domoticz full integration
Nevertheless i am not a good programmer i will try tomorrow to make mysensors work with domoticz with at least temp sensors by the ethernet and json. Will see what i can acomplish with 90% desire, and 10% of knowledge:) Maybe it would be first step for others:)
RE: Domoticz full integration
@qqlapraline I want but unfortunately i do not have abilities:( I can only suggest that if someone have contact with domoticz creators he can ask them if they can write better api...
RE: Domoticz full integration
@qqlapraline Yes, arduino can work as a gateway. But i think it should communicate with Domoticz not by json, but in better way.
RE: Domoticz full integration
@qqlapraline Perfect would be if Domoticz creators have interest in integration mysensors on deeper level to their software, but i don't know if they are interested in any way on doing this.
RE: Domoticz full integration
@qqlapraline I am not very good at programming, so we have to wait for some talented people to do this. Looking forward for this.
RE: Domoticz full integration
@qqlapraline I am waiting for full integration, but the Domoticz API documentation is very brief so it's very hard to do it...:(
RE: serial reading
@epierre +1 for Domoticz integration
Do you want to make gateway working in the same way as RFX433?
RE: Unable to make it works :(
@Tang said:
My controller is agocontrol and I'm developping with Hari the MySensor plugin for agocontrol.
Great! I am waiting for this, Mysensors Raspberry Pi controller, or integration with Domoticz.
RE: While creating the board for my Gateway
@marceltrapman Interesting device that FABtotum, never heard of it until now. About packages from china - i am still waiting for lot of parts, maybe they have some christmas or something now..
RE: Sensor Node V2.0
@axillent I've noticed solar power pins:) This would be great for outdoor sensors. I think that when suitable solar panel will be used our sensor could work almost without changing battery. Ofcourse until battery really need to be replaced because of phisical damage.
RE: Sensor Node V2.0
@axillent I think that default sensor should be with good precision. In my case i would buy aprox 15 devices like this, and use this over a long period of time(at least few years) so ~20 usd difference in price isn't big. Maybe is worth to think about installing temp and humidity sensor(maybe antother model of device). How do you think - how long it could work on single battery when i need to read temp with 1 or 10 minutes period?
RE: Sensor Node V2.0
@axillent I am ready to pay more for better precision. I'm assuming that ± 2 ° C is max accuracy error. So i am wondering what is typical accuracy.
RE: Sensor Node V2.0
@hari Nice product. I wonder why they used MCP9700 temperature sensor instead of DS18B20. Accuracy of ± 2 ° C isn't very impressive.
RE: Humidity Sensor Enclosure (3D printer model)
I have plan to buy 3d printer sooner or later. This device is perfect for our projects:)
RE: good karma
It's great project, and probably all of this forum user know it, but i have question. Can i ask for possible timeline for developement? When could we expect cloud service launch?
RE: Code for beta-testing?
@andriej Working with Domoticz would be very nice. Cheap sensors connected wirelessly to arduino, and arduino connected to raspberry pi with domoticz on it - dream.