I'm working on two projects, both of them with RFM and NRF option: what do you think? Are the PCBs correct?
- First PCB
I'm working on two projects, both of them with RFM and NRF option: what do you think? Are the PCBs correct?
this is a sensor with BME280, 0.96" OLED display and a custom PCB with Arduino Pro Mini 3,3v.
THe PCB is about 5cmx5cm with TP4056 LIPO charger, voltage regulator, space for an antenna, as described here: https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/5314/pcbs-for-battery-based-sensor
A button turns on the display:
Here the PCB:
yesterday I added a 0,1uF capacitor between 3,3V and GND pins and I tried 8 different step-up booster without success!
In the next days I will try different configurations to understand what is happening!
@anticimex You are too fast Now the CERN files are uploaded!!
the NRF24l01 doesn't have a RSSI function as reported in Nordic datasheet, so how can the signal report work?
thanks, next time I will use the github search function