Posts made by linkos
RE: My 2 new nodes : one hacked enclosure and one 3d printed
About the enclosure. We don't see very Well on the pics but I have extruded a mysensors text on the internal face of the top part. By doing this, the letters let the light of the arduino led pass through the plastic. It give a great effect
RE: My 2 new nodes : one hacked enclosure and one 3d printed
Thanks for your compliment.
It's only acetone steam (only cold steam because I dont like the idea to burn acetone).
The treatment is very simple : 3 hours in a closed box with 2 kitchen sponges on wich I versed the acetone. -
RE: My 2 new nodes : one hacked enclosure and one 3d printed
Thanks for the compliment.
About your questions : for this pcb I have "nothing" under the radio antenna (no copper trace) but I've not think about the arduino nano on the side ^^. But that's ok, the node is working great for my house (about 50 meters max)
For the first node, I use a classic HC-SR501 from Ebay. It works like a charmAnother pic of the 3d printed enclosure. it's 50x50mm (external dimensions)
My 2 new nodes : one hacked enclosure and one 3d printed
I want to share my new projects with you. I've made 2 new mysensors nodes for my house.
1 - Motion sensor on battery -with hacked enclosure.
I've found on a local retailer a motion sensor with leds (2 $ cost) lol
It was perfect to hold a mysensors node. so I just opened it replace original electronic with my own. (atmega 328p running at 8mhz, nrf24l01 and motion sensor). Now, some pics of the nodeThe final node :
2 - The second node is a gateway for replace the one I actually have. I've designed a pcb to hold an arduino nano and the radio. (I've also added some sensors inputs to use the pcb for other things).
The pcb
For this one I've designed and printed a little ABS enclosure with my prusa
At the end, for visual purpose I've applied a smoothing and polishing process with acetone
The final node :
Hope you'll like the projects
RE: My new project : texboard pcb
Yes. you're right
I just buy some CR2032 supports for pcb on ebay. I hope it will drain enouth power to run the node
RE: My new project : texboard pcb
I just finish the box for my new sensors. Just want to share it with you
RE: My new project : texboard pcb
Thanks for your answer. I'll keep them in mind for the future version of my board.
However thanks for the compliments -
RE: My new project : texboard pcb
Thanks for your answer.
Yes it's a good idea to move the nrf because I've allready experienced reception problems. It's possible that's the cause was the position of the antenna. Thanks for the tip -
My new project : texboard pcb
I want to share with you my new little project. It's a pcb board (designed with eagle/produced by pcbway) for an easy integration of my future mysensors nodes.
the functionalities are :
- socket for atmega328p-pu
-socket for nrf24l01
-isp socket for programming the board
-power supply : 3v - 20v
-support for mesuring and reporting the battery level to the gateway
-i2c socket
-digital i/o for the sensor
Some pictures of the board :
I'm actually working on a v2 of the board with a micro usb port and smd mounting with atmega328p-au (to save place)
- socket for atmega328p-pu
RE: Nrf24l01 powering problem with LE33
I'll try with a 4.7uf. But actually I've not allready try it. I'll test tonight after work
RE: Nrf24l01 powering problem with LE33
I don't test with a capa because I was thinking it was not necessary because it was working with the 3v of the UNO.
Thanks for the link. I'll try it tonight
Best regards -
Nrf24l01 powering problem with LE33
I'm bulding a node (a motion captor) with an atmega328p and a 5v source
I want to use a LE33 for the VCC pin of the nrf24l01 but it's not working.
the debug log tell me that the radio is ok but I've a TSM Failure error and I can't connect to my gateway.
if i connect the VCC pin on the 3v out of a UNO card (that's the only thing a had for testing) its work like a charm.
I think i've missed something but I don't understand the problem
someone could help me a little bit?
Best regards -
RE: My projects with mysensors on my house
I have a 0.4mm nozzle. I can print with a 100 microns resolution with this one
RE: My projects with mysensors on my house
It's a common 3D printer driven by an arduino mega and a shield card plugged on it (ramps 1.4). You can make this printer for about 100/150$
There is many models available because its open source/hardware but you should look on the reprap site for infos -
RE: My projects with mysensors on my house
I only print plastic cases with my 3D printer (a diy prusa i3)
For the pcb I use a common method (toner transfer) : print the typon with a laser printer on a glossy papier, Heat the paper on the pcb with a flat iron to transfer the toner on it, put the pcb on a ferric chloride solution
There's many videos on youtube about toner transfer -
RE: My projects with mysensors on my house
I'm using a serial gateway (arduino nano)About the Motion node it's not running on battery
My projects with mysensors on my house
I decided to share with you my little projects. I'm planing to equip my house with nodes, I love the concept of mysensors :). I've a 3d printer and make my pcb with 80's methods
but it's working and it's enough for me at the moment
First, I decided to build a node for control my pool in winter. When the temperature drops below 0, the filtration start. It save my pool this winter ^^
It's made with an arduino nano / nrf24l01+ / dht22 / 4 relay board and powered by a hlk-pm01 . I've made a custom pcb board (available here : Circuit IO - pool
I've print a box with my 3d printer.
Some pictures of the project :
My second project for the house was a motion sensor but there's not much to say on it because it's a very simple project (running with an arduino uno
I know it's a really big arduino but I only had it at hand at that time
Some pictures :
At the moment, I'm working on a temp/humidity little node powered by a cr2032 battery and running on a standalone atmega328p (with lilypad 8mhz bootloader). The project is not finish right now, need to draw and print the box and finish to implement the battery reporting to the controller but the schematic and pcb are available here Circuit IO - Temp/humidty mysensors cr2032
Some pictures of the pcb :
I would post the pictures of the case when the node is finishedI know this projects may look basic for you but it does not matter I still wanted to share them with you
RE: Question about powering the nrf24l01+ with atmega328ppu ?
thanks for your answer
it's a good news because i've allready made the pcb for the module ^^
RE: Question about powering the nrf24l01+ with atmega328ppu ?
ok thanks for your answer, so it will be in sleep mode even if it's directly powered via the battery ?
i'm sorry but I've another question ^^ how can I measure the total amperage of my module ? i've try with my multimeter (on mA caliber or uA caliber) in serie but it show me 0 uA
I want to try with a shunt resistor but I don"t know how to calculate the good value of the resistor (my module is 3v powered with cr2032)
sorry for that newbies questions ^^ -
Question about powering the nrf24l01+ with atmega328ppu ?
Hi, i'm new to mysensors and i'm trying to build a classic temp/humidity node with an atmega328p (with arduinolilypad 8mhz bootloader) + dht22 + nrf24l01. I want to run the whole module on a cr2032 battery.
My node is actually running really great, but I have a question about the right way to power the nrf24l01.
Actually my nrf24l01 module is directly connected to the battery + and gnd, is it the right way to do ? I presume that the nrf does not enter sleep mode when i put my atmega in sleep mode if it's allways connect to + and GND ?
I'm sorry if my english is not very good it's not my primary language.