@Nca78 said:
such a polished look
Actually it can have that look if you print with ABS and treat it with acetone vapor afterwards.
For example look at these pictures
Have treated my prints that way many times and the result is very good.
@Nca78 said:
such a polished look
Actually it can have that look if you print with ABS and treat it with acetone vapor afterwards.
For example look at these pictures
Have treated my prints that way many times and the result is very good.
Found the problem myself
There was another resistor on the other side of the PCB. If I connect the cable there instead it works
Oh no not good.
Had to buy some new cases ....... darn
They are so Wife friendly...
I bought a couple of these to test and they are working great.
If supplied with 12V you will have 3.3V, 5V and 12V
They are limited to 800mA
I at the office right now, measure them when I home
I think I have the setup you like to have.
Running Openhab with mosquitto on a virtual server.The openhab uses KNX, 1Wire, sonos and MQTT bindings.
My Z-Wave devices is connected to a Raspberry with the Z-Wave board Razberry that uses MQTT to communicate with openhab.
Finally the connection to Mysensors is done with the GatewayW5100MQTTClient and is user for example like "Temp GΓ€ststugan" that shows the temperature in the guesthouse.
I do not have any relays in the mysensors network yet, but I have them in my Z-wave network and communicate thru MQTT to the Razberry
On top of that Im running Dashing Dashing
So we have dashing on a tablet inside the door that displays all info and we can interact with all systems(KNX, Z-Wave, 1-Wire, Mysensors) from one place. We have also added things like when the next bus is leaving and so on.
And it's working great. So if you have any questians please let me now so can we see if I can help you set it up
Recived my boards today and I love them, I ordered the white ones and they are looking really great
Thanks @sundberg84 !
It seems like @sundberg84 nailed it
The battey metering I use with his PCB is this:
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__)
And that reflect on all analog channels and break the function..
After I removed the battery sensing code it work great
Not so much a request as wishing.
Would it be possible to add a structure under My Project to collect all the SenseBender, Slim Node projects, Easy/Newbie PCB and so on so it would be simpler to find?
A structure like this for example:
My Project
Slim Node
Easy/Newbie PCB
Or to pin a topic for containing links to all projects
This maybe already been up for discussion ?
Thank you, I try that first.
I cut the red LED and let the blue one be (since it just blinks a couple of times when starting up)
@DIM said:
my ignorance but I would like to k
The gateway is a arduino with NRF24L01+ (or RFM69) and serial/network/RS485 component. The sensor is another arduino with NRF24L01+ (or RFM69) and the sensor that are attached. The gateway is then acting as a translator from the NRF24L01+ (or RFM69) radiosignal to the medium that can talk to your controller
Or just simply take percentage and date/time and then a few days later see what has changed percentage wise ...
Its to simple I know but if 1% battery power equals 4 days the sensor probably last for about 9-10 month (the last percentage I suppose you don't get any communication with )
@sundberg84 Hmm What you are saying is that I need to buy a new and better Multimeter This is the reason I was waiting for ..... :9
I saw that Adafruit had a library and code or this that should be ESP8266 certified ...
I'll try. Thanks for quick support
@mfalkvidd said:
Thanks v:) the instructions were great, now lets see if the child or the dog gets the first try