One last question !!! 
Now that I opened up my "mysensors.json", it made me curious about some of the information in it. Currently it shows;
{"0": {"sketch_name": null, "sensor_id": 0, "children": {}, "battery_level": 0, "sketch_version": null, "protocol_version": "2.0.0", "type": 18}, "1": {"sketch_name": "TempHumidRelay", "sensor_id": 1, "children": {"0": {"id": 0, "description": "", "values": {"1": "51.0"}, "type": 7}, "1": {"id": 1, "description": "", "values": {"0": "21.0"}, "type": 6}, "2": {"id": 2, "description": "", "values": {"2": "0"}, "type": 3}}, "battery_level": 0, "sketch_version": "1.1", "protocol_version": "2.0.0", "type": 18}}
Inside the "values" brackets, I know the second numbers are the reported values (i.e. payload), but what is the first number in the bracket ? {"0": "21.0"} , {"1": "51.0"} or {"2": "0"}
And finally what are the definition of "type": 18 , "type": 3 , "type": 7 and "type":6 ?