Thx @Heinz !
It was not planned to release it. I do this work to see the dynamic of mash functionality. To make it public the interest must be very high, I had to invest a lot of time, and I should not become in conflict with Myscontroller (best tool, I lerned a lot at the use). In general I hope it improves the quality of mysensors, because I have to deside to use it or not.

Posts made by pit007
RE: Health of mesh
RE: Health of mesh
@Heinz The GW is connected online to my webside and a php script collect all data and add it to a mysql database. From this DB the structure is rendered by an js library. The structure and the sensor values are updated frequently (not shown in this screenshot - take a look to ) ... in parallel I can connect the server with a controller or with MYSContoller via TCP.
RE: Whats happen if an ; (semicolon) or /n (LF) is in the date send by a node ?
Multi messages like
must be understand also. I got it from the tcp stream of the actual ether-gw.
RE: Data type , Data unit , decade/exponent
Here is a screenshot of the visualizing of all node types (not all sensor types)
Health of mesh
Hi, I build up DB entrys from the informations about the notes, repaters and the GW and create a live visualization in a browser. The goal was to see the structure of the mash and see the routing. If I power up the GW as first and then the nodes it will be worked very fine. In the other order there are missing things (i.e things the bootloader send). But the worst thing is that i'm not able to get a feedback from the node/mash about there presens (health) at a later time.
So it would be great to have:
-a function to scan the network (without to reset all nodes)(except sleeping nodes).
- get information about battery powered (/sometime sleeping node) and full powered (every time responding) node.
- In the case of a battery powered node - the info about the minimal notification time would be very interesting. So I would be able to say: "The minimal notification time is 1day, I didn't hear something from this node in the last 3 days, so I change the health state from green to yellow (warning) and again 3 days later to red (error).
- Or, and this is my request in general for powered devices. Set the time of minimal keep_alive messages.
A littel bit other topic:
- OTA BL: To reduce the risk of a wrong firmware the configuration of the hardware is interesting. Means mainly running at 8 or 16Mhz. (( Maybe also the ยตC (future), the connection's schema of the nrf24 or in general the connected communication module - if you also plan to connect things like the rf69).
Tell me if I overlook such features.
-Pit -
RE: We are mostly using fake nRF24L01+'s, but worse fakes are emerging.
As I get my fakes I open a dispute and add this info - it war clear enough to get my money back ;-):
So, the chips differ in the register number 09 (CD/RPD).
RE: We are mostly using fake nRF24L01+'s, but worse fakes are emerging.
@mainali The chips on your first picture I got also one time. IMO it is the nRF24L01 without the plus '+' - I detect it by comparing the register resonses with there datsheets.
RE: Security for mySensors
@dzairo Late, but to answer your question: It's also XTEA with a compiled master-key and variations over node id and rf freq. And you are right, on repeated date without random input it's a bad solution... Thx for hint... -Pit
RE: MQTT ethernet gateway Works great for 3+ hours then stops
Yes - noooo
Right - you are able to detect the connection loss (good to know) but why do you not trigger the NE555, but to re-init the ENC28. Have you try if it response via SPI ?
RE: MySensors power consumption
Of cource it's powered down
- but is his done by a sw-command via SPI (and also the pwr-up) or by transistor ? I'm surprised about the quality of the rNF - the power down seems very good?
RE: Security for mySensors
@dzairo This is also my prefered solution - perfect for cheap, small and battery powered devices. I don't can spent energie and space on the PCB for extra chips and overall - I don't can replace my hardware in some weeks. Not all nodes have there own designed PCB, some are based on original Arduino minis. Blockencryption can be done in a softwareupdate - individual for each node (exept routers and GW)!
In general it's clear, that the 'integation' of an new, 'homeless' sensors in your private network needs a teach-in step. Something must be exchanged between the both sides and it must be keept a secret.
In my case I encrypt the hole payload (and more) by a key in the node (actual the same in all nodes) - And I don't need extra bytes for the encryption in the telegram!?
- Pit
RE: MQTT ethernet gateway Works great for 3+ hours then stops
Have you try to init the ENC all ~2 hours or by detecting the connection lost ? (brute force style, but better as powerdown all with a relais)
RE: MySensors power consumption
@daulagari and @dzairo
You wrote about consumptions of 6uA and 10uA. I know that i can reach down to 1uA (or 10uA) with 3V, intRC, timer2 and ext 32kHz. Not clear for me is the consumption and the mode of the nrf24. Is this current included in your setup and do you disable the radio bei switching off the power of the module ? -Pit -
RE: Data type , Data unit , decade/exponent
@hek Hi, this sounds well. Waiting for 2.0! Is there a timeline ?
On the controller side is enough power to make all conversations. Also, if a node send a non-si value. Normally needed is the type, the value, the unit and the possibility to readonly / readwrite (i.e. dimm level).
RE: Windows GUI/Controller for MySensors
@tekka A further small bug or misunerstanding by us - the unix time:
I_TIME 1 Sensors can request the current time from the Controller using this message. The time will be reported as the seconds since 1970 = unix time ?The MYSController send the local time, but not the unix time (the unix time is the same all over te world)
RE: Scene too fast for gateway?
I don't have vera but my 5 cent:
If two or more commands send at the same time they can be packed in the same tcp package.
with delay (4 tcp packages)
12;6;0;0;x;4\nwithout delay: (2 tpc packages - the first with 3 commands)
12;6;0;0;x;4\nDuring my walk throug the sources of different MYS impementations I didn't see code to parse the second case correctly - so with commands following in shoort time behind, the receiver see only the first command in a package:
12;6;0;0;x;4\nas I hint - I hope I'm wrong
- Pit
RE: Windows GUI/Controller for MySensors
The included TimeReporter (I don't know where to find the sketch) has a small problem.
In the minutes and the seconds the leading zero is missing - i.e. 11h 9 min 5 sevc is shown as: 11:9:5 instead of 11:09:05.-Pit
RE: Windows GUI/Controller for MySensors
@tekka very good job
Thx !
The ID change worked (but tried it only one time
A stesstest will follow ! )
Next thing: Know how often a node send a package (or how long it like to sleep) and take this info to create a quality level and a warning if - i.e. after 3 times - there is no feedback from the node ?
- Pit
Data type , Data unit , decade/exponent
Hello !
If I receive a MySensors telegram - how can I know the correct data unit (i.e. ยฐC or F) and exponent (mV / V or cm/meter/km)?
i.e I get :
presentation sub-type: S_POWER
set sub-type: V_VOLTAGE
-> OK, its Volt - but where I get the mili [mV] info?The S_POWER and the V_VOLTAGE are IMO redundant info !?
Aside from S_ARDUINO_NODE and S_ARDUINO_RELAY all other types exists double.presentation sub-type: S_TEMP
set sub-type: V_TEMP
-> Where can I get the info for the unit (ยฐC or F) from the GW/Controler sight?Best thx, Pit !
RE: change node ID (i.e. in case of conflict)
Oh, the final Products
OK, I started 2006 with my own Wamp based system.... during the time I added a lot of 'things'.... Actual I'm locking for an base of an Sensor network. I have created my own wireless bootloader for the NRF, but you are faster (and better - my was working 1:1 absides the mash) and I want to add mainly batterypowerd Movement detectors (pic) and solar powered plant sensors (pic).
If the PCBs are designed ... and the sensors clued to the ceiling and plugged to the soil I do not want diasseble it to update basic system features.
Some pictures...
- pit
RE: change node ID (i.e. in case of conflict)
@tekka Hi! That is what I figure out and have done. I still had the hope that you will integreate it in your bootloader.
IMO it's more important that the system has a good basis as to have a lot of node examples. I don't can update the PCBs (i.e ext. eprom or security chip) and the boadloaders in the final products.
Please spend some minutes in security also !Do you will upload the MYSController to Git ?
- Pit007
RE: change node ID (i.e. in case of conflict)
So - If there is an ID conflict (two nodes with the same ID) it is NOT possible to reconfigure it with the mysensor system !
change node ID (i.e. in case of conflict)
Hello, I found the mysensorsrs addon to the RFN24 Lib - it looks great.
I have created a testsetup to proof the concept before I use it. So - in the beginning I'm interessted to see that the system is working.
Actual I use the MySController of tekka as management and visualization, and - of course- I don't have fixed IDs in the nodes!I saw, that the GW every time starts with '1' for new node IDs. So it can be happen that I have two ore more nodes with the same ID.
How does the system handle this (how/if this is detected, how it notifys it , what is the slution)?
How can I change a nodeID by hand?I saw that there is no command to trigger a ID change by the GW/Controller.
Of cource - at this time I'm not able to reflash the node or empty the EEprom by an seperat programer.
A reset or powerdown would be possible, but not nice!Thx and a nice weekend
-Pit007 -
RE: Windows GUI/Controller for MySensors
@tekka Hello, I check your great software and do my first steps with mySensors.
It looks very amazing!
Here are my first comments:
- I must program the MYSBootloader with the H-fuse setting H:0xD8 (2048 word), the value H:0xDE (in your fuses.txt) or H:0xDA (in your boards.txt) didn't work for me.
- The blink.hex seems to be the normal blink sketch, it didn't have nrf24 functionality. Needs a local hardreset to flash other firmware.
- The Arduino IDE (with the enhanced boards.txt) isn't able to program a firmware with the MYSBootloader - think this results in the higher baud rate (115200 vs. 57600) and my case to have the Arduino running in a VM !?
- The update function in MYSController isn't working because it needs a proxy configuration (not imported).
- I got a warning sign on the nodes-tree, don't know what it mean, but node is working (no info in the context menu).
- The interrupt line of the ner24L01 isn't needed.
- A right click in the open context menu ( e.g. on clear firmware) forces a software error.
8 ) After connecting the Serial GW the MYSController doesn't responce for a while (searching for nodes?) Maybe a background task or an indicater would be a idea ?!
9)On XP (or XP style) a selected row in the mesages or nodes tab is not readable - the selection is in dark blue, the text in black.
It should be possible to use the MYSBootloder (.hex) without changes also for 8Mhz nodes (internal RC L:0xE2), OTA only.
The SPI is independent from the clock, Uart is not used, delays are 2 times longer but this should be no problem.Is there a scenario to keep your MYSController connected and have the mash working at the same time?
For example, with a gateway connected at Raspberry PI and a TCP connection from MYSController to the RPI? Or with two gateways ?Looking forward for the next features :-),
regards Pit