Hi all,
can we please document this binding and add it to github of openhab in similiar way to all other bindings? I can help with doing so:)

Kim Skåtun
Best posts made by skatun
RE: openHAB binding
RE: My MYSX Multisensors board
Any update on this one? Chinese new year is over now...
Latest posts made by skatun
RE: RS485/RS232/Serial transport class for mysensors.org
Today the new rs485 shield arrived, i will solder it up over the weekend and start testing early next week:)
RE: Power Measurements
i came across this one: https://github.com/FriedCircuits/ADE7753/tree/master/ADE7753_Breakout_v.2
I want it in this form
or this one, but it seems to output serial data, how many software serial can you have on one arduino?
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Mini-Multifuncion-power-energy-amp-voltage-monitor-meter-communication-module-with-CT-coil-AC-80-260V/32512169668.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.156.Hh7LxY&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_1_116_10065_117_10068_114_115_113_10000009_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10060_10061_10062_10056_10055_10054_10059_10099_10078_10079_427_10103_10073_10102_10096_10052_10050_10051-10050_114,searchweb201603_9,afswitch_3&btsid=810667df-39e8-4801-a123-f3cd7ca3456a -
RE: Power Measurements
@Talat-Keleş I am not going to use 230V to power the arduino.
The point is to get power you need P=U*I and for accuracy U is not 220V but varies quite a bit(210-230 typ), hence you need to measure it.
So for
current: 20A +-0.01A
voltage: 220+-0.1Vwe will get 20/1024 *220 = 5W resolution. In addition we need to add accuracy of sensors, so lets say 7W, so then if we pull 300W, we have only 300W+-23%..
So maybe we need to add an adc(10bit) or skip mesuring peaks(10A sensor?)
I have 20 circuit breakers so I can easily measure how much: heating is using,water heater, oven top etc...
Power Measurements
Hi everyone,
I would like to measure my electric power usage in my flat. In my fusebox I have several fuses like this one,
Does other have same kind of fuses?
So reading on the forum here and other places, to achieve some kind of realistic result you need measure both current and voltage. So my idea is to make a small pcb with two tabs that fits in the fuse(put wires and pcb int he screw terminals on the fuse) in order to measure voltage, then for one of the wire it goes through one of this:
As output from the pcb it will then be 2 analog signal between 0-5v and it needs 5v and gnd so the interface will be some kind of 4 pin connector(rj11 or screw terminals).
So I was wondering if others might have interest of such a sensor, then I would also like input of which sensor to use(I guess 20 A sensor such as TA12-100 for current) but what to use for voltage sensing, just resistors?
I hope such a pcb fully assembled would come out below 10usd.
Then lets say you have 6 fuses you wire up 6 of these pcb to one arduino nano node, which then transmit both current and voltage to the gatway.
RE: rs485 on nano
@wimd include debug and remove inclusion from the sketches and it should be ok. I have ordered new rs485 shield, i expect that to be the issue..
RE: rs485 on nano
Implemented fixed node ID without success, I think maybe the rs485 adapter on gateway is broken, will test more tomorrow
RE: rs485 on nano
@pjr @consul58 Have been away the last 5 days, will update the thread with the result tomorrow. Can anyone lighten me up on benefit of having inclusion button, and what inclusion time should be set to?
RE: rs485 on nano
@dbemowsk so i added the usb device, it produces gibberish:
different baud-rates, gibberish changes.....
gibberish from the node, but nothing from gateway, I also changed gateway to uno as a test without success, here is the code on gateway which i commented out:
// Flash leds on rx/tx/err //#define MY_LEDS_BLINKING_FEATURE // Set blinking period //#define MY_DEFAULT_LED_BLINK_PERIOD 300 // Enable inclusion mode //#define MY_INCLUSION_MODE_FEATURE // Enable Inclusion mode button on gateway //#define MY_INCLUSION_BUTTON_FEATURE // Set inclusion mode duration (in seconds) //#define MY_INCLUSION_MODE_DURATION 60 // Digital pin used for inclusion mode button //#define MY_INCLUSION_MODE_BUTTON_PIN 3 //#define MY_DEFAULT_ERR_LED_PIN 4 // Error led pin //#define MY_DEFAULT_RX_LED_PIN 5 // Receive led pin //#define MY_DEFAULT_TX_LED_PIN 6 // the PCB, on board LED
RE: rs485 on nano
@dbemowsk What do you mean by + to + and - to - between nodes.? Isnt that just to power the max 485 chip?
I do have a usb dongle like u mentioned laying around somewhere, so I can just add that as a 3rd rs485 node, and use arduino serial monitor for it?
on the gateway i commented all the led and inclusion code, this doesnt effect the rs485 right?
My setup is shown below:
@m26872 I have now enabled debug mode, see output below