(homeassistant) mysensors.notify does nothing, (alternatives?)
I cant get mysensors.notify to work...
in my configuration.yaml i put this:
input_boolean: baum_fx_twinkle: name: Twinkle initial: off
and in my automations.yaml i have this.
- alias: 'send scene to map' trigger: platform: state entity_id: input_boolean.baum_fx_twinkle to: 'on' action: service: notify.mysensors data: message: twinkle target: 'lalelu 111 2'
it works when i use MYSController with type c_set, subtype V_TEXT settings. but whenever i try to press the switch it does nothing... also there is nothing logged in MYSController.
Same when i try to use the call-service-page in my homeassistant backend... just nothing - not even an error...does anyone have an idea? I checked for correct IDs and everything and in MYSController it definetly works... but homeassistant is very reluctant to do anything...
or does anybody have an alternative?
i just want to send a V_TEXT to a node via the dashboard.
Maybe add 'home assistant' to the topic title?
good idea. thx.
let me ask differently again:
did anybody get this:
https://www.home-assistant.io/components/notify.mysensors/to work? i find no useful example and have the suspicion that it just doesnt work anymore since all the forumentries seem old and outdated?
sorry for spamming my own thread... i just want to keep updates coming in while debugging... i got it to the point where the homeassistant log tells me: "Unable to find service notify/mysensors".
but apparently there is no known solution to do this. i even unplugged and restarted everything. i am hitting a dead end here...
I have the same issue after settinf an automation under HA ( "Unable to find service notify/mysensor")
Do you find a workaround?
I faced same issue and was able to solve it by doing a proper presentation of S_INFO widget, as described in sample sketch: https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/notify.mysensors/
The error message is quite misleading.
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