Disable restarting arduino after connect to serial gateway.
Arduino is restarting after connect to controler (Serial Gateway - OpenHab). But this is not gateway issue. I think it is quite natural, because arduino had to run presentation, but I wondering is it possible to not restarting arduino? It is very important because i have to controll critical relays by it. And i wont turn it off after gateway restart by any reason.
@dawidi do you mean that OpenHab sends a command to the Nodes to restart? Idon't have experience with OpenHab, but that sounds like a strange behavior. I use Domoticz and it does not send restart commands.
@dawidi arduino hardware resets a board through the DTR signal on the serial port. You could disconnect the DTR line to prevent the reset.
@mfalkvidd I do not find any information sending by gateway to restart arduino. It looks like that:
[log] system start [log] some relays state changed from null to ON (restored states) [log] some relays state changed from null to OFF [log] MySensors bridge is changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR) to OFFLINE [log] MySensors bridge is changed from OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR) to OFFLINE [log] MySensors bridge is changed from OFFLINE to ONLINE (finnaly) [log] all relays changed from OFFLINE to ONLINE
And then arduino restarting. So if i restart OH, arduino keep states until it connect again.
@Yveaux How can i do that?
@dawidi to bypass it depends a lot on the actual Arduino hardware used. See here for some background info on the topic: https://rheingoldheavy.com/arduino-from-scratch-part-11-atmega328p-dtr-and-reset/
The link describes for an Arduino Uno: "If for some reason, you wanted to disable the autoreset function, you would run a very sharp knife down between the two halves of the solder jumper at “RESET EN”, to cut the trace. "From software you can prevent auto reset by disabling DTR when talking to the serial port; google for it: https://www.google.com/search?q=prevent+dtr+reset+from+software
@yveaux Thank you man so much. I wrote topics on gateway's github, here in cotroller section, OH forum and no one knows how to fix that. I cut jumper on RESET EN and it works. TY!
@dawidi great to hear you solved it! Glad I could help.