MY_NODE_ID AUTO support with serial gateway

  • Mysensors gateway 2.3.2 and sensors 2.3.2

    I cannot seem to find an answer to the question, does the serial gateway support automatic assignment of node IDs to new nodes?

    I have transitioned from an ethernet gateway (esp) to a direct connected serial gateway and have just noticed any new sensors will not get an assigned node id. I have to hard code a node id into the sensor.

    Is this expected behavior?

  • Mod

    @coza have you added your new gateway to Home Assistant?

    A gateway will never hand out ids. The controller will.

  • I understand that I am just trying to find out why my new sensors are not getting an auto assigned node id when all I have done is move from a ethernet gateway to a serial gateway.

    We have had a few version updates in HA and I am not sure what is the cause.

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