Ethernet Gateway - W5100 - stops responding to sensor and server
Hi All,
after building the gateway with the w5100 shield + Uno R3 + NRF24L01, it starts, i can telnet to it, it responds.
Power supply is a 9V 1A feeding the Uno
After a while, it becomes unresponsive, telnet does not work, but it responds to pings.
Also extended with the leds for error, tx and rx, but these does not work.
Any hint what can be happening?
Thx in advance.
I have exactly same issue as you.
However, i haven't found a solution
I think this is a bug in mysensors.
What i suggest - use MQTT as a workaround
I had similar issue. I found that problem was W5100. It just turned to brick when it runs long time as server. And I have seen that many times.
Upload basic ethernet sketch and check that Ethernet module is still working. I found that mine was not working at all.
My workaround was to use W5300 what is much better. Runs colder and is able to share bus.
Sorry, the correct new Ethernet module type is W5500.
@bomber said in Ethernet Gateway - W5100 - stops responding to sensor and server:
Sorry, the correct new Ethernet module type is W5500.
I use W5500, no difference. But mine is not bricked, resetting arduino+w5500 helps and again i can connect to it...For a one time...
@NeoX i gave up the w5100 gateway (uno r3 + w5100 shiled + NRF24L01+PA-LNA).
the gateway with NRF24L01+ and Wemos D1 mini is working flawlessly the last two days - so, it will be the way to go.