Faulty Easy PCB boards modified

  • I bought 20 of the Rev 10 Easy PCB boards from Openhardware, but could not get them to work with the flash memory.
    See thread here: Bug in Easy PCB
    So I just bite the dust and forgot about them. Until a couple of days ago when I decided to see if I could get them to work.
    I modified the PCB and got them to work.

    1. The unmodified board
    2. Cut line between pin 7 and the capacitor and scrape of at the right of the C7.
    3. Solder the capacitor, solder a blob from the capacitor to the scraping.
    4. Solder a blob between pin 7 and 8 on the flash chip
    5. Solder a piece of wire between pin 6 of the flash chip and pin 13 of the Arduino.

    I then started to try to flash the Sensebender OTA firmware to my Arduinos. It was a No Go, I had tons of trouble until I decided to change the Arduino to another version that I had.
    Sad to say, all Funduino Mini pro's that I have are all faulty.
    I had some other Mini pro that was marked Deek-Robot, those worked like a charm.
    I did some testing yesterday and was able to flash new firmware via OTA and MYSController.
    More about that in an another thread as I found some quirks in the process of doing OTA.

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