What controller choose ???

  • Hello. I love the MySensors principle to achieve a freely configurable system.
    But what to choose controller for simple functions?
    I tried Domoticz, Majordomo, Domotiga and some "advanced" functions work fine, but if you want to just use, in addition to temperature sensors, humidity or other, simple relay controls, several per node, with local control or not, impossible.
    Is there a SIMPLE controller, which is not necessarily compatible with everything and anything, but completely simply with MySensors?
    I do not want a commercial product, which the manufacturer will disappear in the coming months .... So no Vera or similar, not stinginess, but search for stability.
    If someone has an idea, THANKS😘 :bowtie:

  • Admin

    Not sure I understand what the problem was with the controllers you've tested? Were they too advanced? Or are they lacking functionality you need?

  • Thank you for your reply.
    I'll take a simple example: the MuliRelays sketch found on the net.
    Another example Domoticz (I give up :))
    The payloads are good, others sketch give the same result: one manages a good entry + a relay, not from both.
    The concern is in Domoticz ....
    Is there a controller that manages MySensors priority, and that is not commercial, and at risk of disappearing?
    I want to basically manage simple inputs (0 or 1), locally or via the controller, such as remote controls, and state returns. Nothing more simple, then will the temperature sensors etc ....
    In advance thank you.


  • Admin

    Tried PiDome?

  • No, not yet, but do Pidom can do simple things before more complicated ???? 🙂
    I'm going to try ....
    Which is a shame, in my opinion, is that MySensors is a great idea for people who do not have "standard" needs and do not want to end up with an obsolete trade system overnight, but the creators of controlers can not yet adapt to an open solution ...
    Again thank you.


  • Pidom is very attractive, but still in alpha / beta ... And the forum is not very active ....
    So there is not a single free controller that manages MySensors completely natively?

  • Try pimatic or fhem.

  • Hero Member

    @Alain69 said:

    Pidom is very attractive, but still in alpha / beta ... And the forum is not very active ....
    So there is not a single free controller that manages MySensors completely natively?

    Free Controller?... Not that I've seen....

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