Newbie with vera

  • Hello,

    I have a test setup white a hum and a temp sensor on my vera.
    i have two problems.

    Its works, i see a temp and a hum reading on mij vera. (thits is not my problem)

    The problem is that the distance between the gateway and the node max 3meter is. above the 3meters i have no reading anemore.

    And my vera gives a unhappy red face in the vera. and say can't detect device.


  • Hi @csnij !

    Have you tried adding a capacitor to the radio as suggested in the guide ?

    You might also have some bad quality clones of the NRF24L01+ chip. Try searching the forum for fake clones or bad clones and you will probably see some threads discussing it.

    Then again, you might have normal interference from e.g. walls. Is there clear sight between the node and the gateway or do you have thick walls etc?

    Best wishes,

  • Twosh,

    I have the capacitors placed. I think that i have clone chips.


  • Hello,

    I have search on the site. but my chip can't find it. my chip is NRF M 24L01+1436AH Is there somewone on this forum they can tel me of this chip a fake or a good one is?

    thanks chris

  • Contest Winner

    @csnij said:

    And my vera gives a unhappy red face in the vera. and say can't detect device.


    which UI are you using in Vera?

    It looks (based on this comment) that you have a connection problem with Vera, not a radio problem.

    Serial or Ethernet gateway?

  • Hi BulldogLowell,

    I have the vera edge, witch ui that is, i don't now were you that can find it. but i found the problem i think. I use for the gateway not the antenne version.
    I have the power to max and now its works.

    BUT, in the vera, i have a red house with an unhappy face. and he said that one device is no longer connected. by the devices i look, and i see that that mysensors plugin the problem is. there is written that he no devices can't detect but everthing works. this is from the beginning.

    what is the problem of this? can you help me with this proplem.

    Thanks chris

  • Contest Winner


    your Vera Edge ships with UI7, so it seems that your MySensors plugin has lost serial connection to the gateway. If rebooting Vera and the Gateway doesn't help, you can try searching the forum for UI7 Serial Gateway and see if there isn't a few posts with your problem. I seem to recall that this issue has been addressed, but can't say definitively.

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