Nodes don't automatically reconnect after gateway powercycle?

  • Hi,

    I was cleaning up some of the wire mess in my metercabinet and disconnected power from the gateway temporarily. However, it seems that after the power has been off, the nodes don't automatically seem to 'reconnect' again. When i disconnect power from the nodes, they seem to 'find' the gateway again and data starts flowing back in again.

    Is this normal behaviour? Quite annoying actually if i have to go through all the nodes (only 2 in my case, but whatever) and powercycle them too.

    And yes i waited, but after half an hour still no new data came in, where normally it would receive new data every minute.

    I'm using the Ethernet gateway which is read by Domoticz. I have two humidity nodes (DHT22).

  • I might have seen this issue as well when I have nodes that are not directly connected to the gateway. Ie going through repeaters. I did not investigate though. Are you using repeaters as well? Or are your nodes connected directly to the gateway?

  • Thanks for your reaction. No repeaters used in my home, all nodes (2) directly connect to the gateway.

  • I experience a similar behavior - when sensors are out of reach for a moment they are not reconnecting if i am putting them back into place. Is this a known issue?

  • Same problem too. Sometimes sensors doesn't reconnect to network.
    I experimented it mostly of the time with sensors connected to repeater.
    I also added a status LED to check if repeater is still running (heartbeat) and it does.
    It seems all my sensors are still running (i can check it with my actuator button, if sensor is not connected and i press the button sensor does nothing while if it is connected to repeater it switches relay properly) so i guess my sensors are still connected to repeater but repeater seems not to be connected to gateway.

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