mega 2560
after cleaning my junk box i have found a mega 2560 i notice it has 3 serial,s on it aswellwhat can i use it for and are mysensors supporting this chip and setup ... i was thinking ubergatewat maybe ..
@Andy-Pep Hi Andy, yes it's supported. I'm using one as a sprinkler controller. It has more memory and more inputs/outputs, so any time that's a factor, it's a good board to use.
cheers for that sparkman ... i was thinking of trying some sort of 433mhz sniffer to wifi serial setup..and hook up a 70cm coliner antenna to the radio with a bit of filtering and narrow the band down and see what is out there that can be used in a local (mesh) of sensors.. i turned my 70cm ham radio and tuned it down to 433.92 and there is a load of traffic out there .. how many are remote weather sensors same with 315mhz ...could be handy in mapping local climate hotspots and microclimates.....