Anybody got one / a few spare minimalist rfm69hw shields for wemos d1 mini?
I am looking into buying a minimalist rfm69hw shields for wemos d1 mini.
I found this fantastic project, but it costs 25 usd and its 10 pcbs.
Assuming that not everybody here used their 10 pcbs: Is anyone willing to send one or two to Germany? Not for free, of course!
You highlight a problem, @kiesel. Considering that each board is effectively US$2.50, it will cost about US$2 to send one and will take a week, if not two or three, to get to you. Not to mention the time spent on handling.
I am in the same situation as you, I just ended up wire wrapping and judicious use of double stick tape. Not beautiful, but it works.
Best of luck
@OldSurferDude @kiesel Look on open hardware if there's a pcb like that. If it has Gerbers then you can order them for cheap from manufacturers like JLPcb. You will get 5 for 2 euro + some shipment costs. If you guys live close to each other one can order and send one pcb to the other.
If none are available I can see if I can make you one. Although I use NRF myself. But I bet EasyEda will have a footprint for the rfm as well. I'll post it on open hardware so you guys can get the gerber files I you like.
Thanks for the offer @TheoL ! I have moved on to a differenct project. Also, a lesson that I have learned many times, "If it works, don't fix it!"