water level for pool
i want to make a water level sensor for my pool
i have a sensor
it's this
but i don't find a sketch for this
it's analog imput
thanks to share if you havebest regards
Looks like it gives an analog output. Just hook it up to one of the analog inputs (e.g. A0) and read out the value.
int value = analogRead(A0);
You will likely find this sensor will not last very long in a swimming pool environment. The chemicals and water itself will give it a hard time.
Try it though first and then look to make it more robust by building your own sensor based off this design.
See if you can scavenge/ebay some titanium coated wire, or plates from an old salt cell. mount them in some pvc pipe and run cable back to a IP65 sealed project box with your Mysensors sender and powersupply.Let us know how it goes too!
@gregl said:
The chemicals and water itself will give it a hard time.
and exposure to prolonged electrical current will only accelerate the corrosion.
I've been testing a float sensor (that I use in fuel tanks) that may be good in a salt/chlorine environment. I'll post a photo whenI get the chance.
There is a great liquid level sensor that I have been using in a number of sump pump wells (I use to track volume, and trigger the pump).
The sensor is called eTape, check it out: http://www.milonetech.com/Home_Page.html
Try http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Hot-Ultrasonic-Module-Distance-Measuring-Transducer-Sensor-Waterproof-/121627918430?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_15&hash=item1c5196c05e you would need to be able to mount above the water.
It that a float switch or does it return water level?
returns level, not a switch.
I currently have a functioning fuel level sensor for my fuel tank built with an ultrasonic hc-sr04 device and it works pretty ok.
Before installing that on the top of the tank (hot-glued to the cap actually) all my tests were done on a water tank, so I know beforehand that this works well with water.There some things you'll want to consider though:
- This does NOT work well on moist environments, you'll have wrong readings, I recommend the "water proof" version for that (it's not waterproof, it simply works better with higher humidity levels)
- If the water is moving you'll have different readings (as with ALL water level meters) I've modified the sketch to read the distance several times at random intervals (for example 6 times with intervals at 1 sec, 3, 5.5, 6,7, 9.2 secs) and then give the average distance, this flattens false readings and gives a more realistic value.
Hope that it works for you.
Perhaps my following sketch can help you: https://codebender.cc/sketch:98928
I use the same Setup to meassure the Level of the pellet store. There is a lot of dust in the Air and no even Surface. So a lot of "noise".
The digitalSmooth function tries to find the relevant values. My graph looks much better with it
I agree with "notforyou23", the eTape is a great product (although a bit pricy). I use it in this project where i easily keep my pond water level +-5mm. And i rever overfill the pond anymore...