PLTS on a Nano?
After buying and being thoroughly let down by Veraedge, I will be returning to my VeraLite which works great. I thought the extra memory and slightly faster chip would be useful, but find the majority of my battery operated devices can hardly pair with Veraedge. (With hindsight, I purchased it 6 months ago factory refurbished and wonder if my unit itself is a lemon?... guess I'll take it up with Mios).
I upgraded because I found my Lite was a little sluggish with multiple versions of PLTS running. Even though my Lite is more stable (even with UI7), I am worried I will return to the same problem. So, it hit me. Why not offset some of the computing and calculations to my Arduino Nodes? Why use something with decent power as a simple motion detector? So, I combined PIRsense (swapping out the motion detector with an ultrasond detector for presence sensing) and Relay Node. Am I wasting my time? I haven't found any posts with similar ideas and wonder if I'm missing something.
It is pretty simple, the sketch presents a relay and motion sensor child devices. When the relay is "on" the sensor is considered "armed". When motion is detected, tripped = HIGH is sent. The off message is sent when no motion detected and the timer count down OR the relay reverts to "off".
@pbcstudios said:
Am I wasting my time? I haven't found any posts with similar ideas and wonder if I'm missing something.
Absolutely not. Always good to offload the controller when possible.