Controlling central heating, TV, lights and boiler over the internet

  • Controlling central heating and boiler over the internet

    Hi all,

    I have a plan to create the project for my home winch is( Controlling central heating and boiler over the internet) actually I have some idea but not much more and enough, form here I need to someone to help me how can I start ? what do I need ? any chips or code ? many thanks for your help and support xxx

  • @Emaly
    I am controlling lights / TV / Heating. It all depends how much experience you have with electronics/programming and how much money you want to spend. I have the following setup:

    • Domoticz - controller based on RPi2
    • z-wave controller. Heating (I have an electrical heating) is managed by z-wave thermostats. As thermostats provide feedback, I always know if they were switched on manually, temperature etc.
    • some z-wave sensors - flood and smoke sensors
    • TV all Hi-Fi is managed by Logitech Hub, which is managed by Domoticz
    • Lights are Mi-Light/Limitless managed by Domoticz
    • Hot water is managed by either 433MHz switch and 50A SSR relay or via a GSM gateway (On/Off by an SMS).

    All of the above with exception of the GSM gateway is managed by Domoticz

    My recommendation: Do your research and decide what it is you want, budget etc. Do you want everything to manage from one interface? Have a look at Domoticz and OpenHAB or maybe something more simple Vera z-wave controller. Z-wave will set you off more as this is kind of premium technology. In your example central heating can be controlled by z-wave valves and window sensors.
    I hope it helps

  • @SiLeX many thanks that will be useful

  • @alexsh1 Many thanks Alexsh1 , I'm using ESP8266 chip with Arduino

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