Trying to build a vent controller, need some advice with motors
So I'm looking to design a simple controller for my vents. I have these vent covers in my condo that have vents which can be opened and closed by turning a flat head screw - about 90 degrees from open to closed.
It seemed pretty straight forward to build, use a mysensors controlled servo with a screw driver head to turn the screw. But a few problems came up:
- Aren't servo motors low-torque, will they be able to move a screw?
- How can you attach a screw driver head to the servo? For steppers I know there's these z-axis couplers - but I don't find as many similar things for servos - anyone know of something I could use?
@naveen can't you just mount a piece of L-profile or so on the servo wheel which functions as the screwdriver had?
Not exactly sure what L-profile is, if you could send a link that would be great! If it mounted to the servo it may work
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@naveen something like
How does that mount to the servo?
@naveen it pasted the raw image data
@naveen drill some holes in it and attach with screws
I would need to drill at the 90degree angle so that the bit spins about its center...maybe I'm missing something.
I'm thinking of 3D printing some piece that will attach to the servo gear and will hold a bit.
@naveen I mean something like this (please forgive my bad 3D CAD skills
Green = rotational mount plate of servo
Red = screw head
Yellow = screwsThe green plate rotates, the gray profile rotates with it and rotates the screw... Could work...
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