Need a little help to set up a switch initially

  • Hi,

    I'm running the latest version of Home Assistant and MySensors connects successfully. The only thing I am missing so far is a few switches/relays that I do not have a hardware button on. I'm not too sure how to send a state in the setup of the sketch to my gateway. I've been trying to do it with this code, but so far have been unsuccessful. Could someone please give it a quick look?

     * The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
     * between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
     * The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
     * repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
     * network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
     * Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
     * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
     * Full contributor list:
     * Documentation:
     * Support Forum:
     * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
     * Version 1.0 - 6-December-2015, Derrick Rockwell
     *This sketch uses two 30 bulb, 3mm LED holiday light strings. These
     *can usually be found in most dollar stores/hardware stores and are 
     *battery powered. This sketch uses digital pins 3 and 4 to power two 
     *a string of lights each. Ex, one can control white lights the other
     *could control multi-colour lights. 
    #define SN "HolidayLEDDeskLights"
    #define SV "1.0"
    #include <MySensor.h> 
    #include <SPI.h>
    #define MLED_PIN 3      // Pin Multi-Coloured LED's will attached to
    #define WLED_PIN 5      // Pin White-Coloured LED's will attached to
    #define FADE_DELAY 10  // Delay in ms for each percentage fade up/down (10ms = 1s full-range dim)
    // #define NODE_ID 4
    #define CHILD_ID0 0
    #define CHILD_ID1 1
    MySensor gw;
    static int currentLevelM = 0;  // Current dim level...
    static int currentLevelW = 0;  // Current dim level...
    MyMessage dimmerMsgM(MLED_PIN, V_DIMMER);
    MyMessage lightMsgM(MLED_PIN, V_LIGHT);
    MyMessage dimmerMsgW(WLED_PIN, V_DIMMER);
    MyMessage lightMsgW(WLED_PIN, V_LIGHT);
     * Dimmable LED initialization method
    void setup()  
      Serial.println( SN ); 
      Serial.println( SV );
      gw.begin( incomingMessage );
      // Register the LED Dimmable Light with the gateway
      gw.present( MLED_PIN, S_DIMMER );
      gw.present( WLED_PIN, S_DIMMER );
      gw.sendSketchInfo(SN, SV);
      // Pull the gateway's current dim level - restore light level upon sendor node power-up
      gw.request( MLED_PIN, V_DIMMER );
      gw.request( WLED_PIN, V_DIMMER );
     *  Dimmable LED main processing loop 
    void loop() 
    //For Multi Coloured Lights
    void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) {
    if (message.type == V_LIGHT || message.type == V_DIMMER) {
          // if (message.sensor <= 2)
              //0: All Dimmers
              //1: LED 1
              //2: LED 2
              //  Retrieve the power or dim level from the incoming request message
              int requestedLevel = atoi( );
              // Adjust incoming level if this is a V_LIGHT variable update [0 == off, 1 == on]
              requestedLevel *= ( message.type == V_LIGHT ? 100 : 1 );
              if ((message.sensor == CHILD_ID0) || (message.sensor == 0)){
                fadeToLevel ( requestedLevel, MLED_PIN, &currentLevelM );
                // Inform the gateway of the current DimmableLED's SwitchPower1 and LoadLevelStatus value...
                gw.send(lightMsgM.set(requestedLevel > 0 ? 1 : 0));
                gw.send(dimmerMsgM.set(requestedLevel) );
              if ((message.sensor == CHILD_ID1) || (message.sensor == 0)){
                fadeToLevel( requestedLevel, WLED_PIN, &currentLevelW );
                // Inform the gateway of the current DimmableLED's SwitchPower1 and LoadLevelStatus value...
                gw.send(lightMsgW.set(requestedLevel > 0 ? 1 : 0));
                gw.send(dimmerMsgW.set(requestedLevel) );
     *  This method provides a graceful fade up/down effect
     // For Multi Coloured Lights
    void fadeToLevel( int toLevel, int pin, int *currentLevel ) {
      int delta = ( toLevel - (*currentLevel) ) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
      while ( (*currentLevel) != toLevel ) {
        (*currentLevel) += delta;
        analogWrite( pin, (int)((*currentLevel) / 100. * 255) );
        delay( FADE_DELAY );

  • Hardware Contributor

    A quick look at the code (not my strong side) doesnt reveal any issues for me.
    What happens when you run it on a node?
    Connect it and look at your serial log, and post it here if it doesnt give you any clues.

  • @sundberg84

    Here is the output from the serial console when running on the IDE

    send: 5-5-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:1.5.1
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:0
    read: 0-0-5 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:M
    sensor started, id=5, parent=0, distance=1
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=3,c=0,t=4,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,st=ok:
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=5,c=0,t=4,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,st=ok:
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=20,sg=0,st=ok:HolidayLEDDeskLights
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0,st=ok:1.0
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=3,c=2,t=3,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,st=ok:
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=5,c=2,t=3,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,st=ok:
    send: 5-5-0-0 s=5,c=1,t=2,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:1

  • Hardware Contributor

    Ah, do I understand you better now - So you want to send the state of a relay?
    Its done here:

    This is the relay with button sketch, so this is called when you press the button.

  • @sundberg84

    Close but not quite. I need to have my node send a state for it to be discovered by the Home-Assistant plugin.In this case, the node I am using is a LED dimmer one. I am trying to get the node during the setup to send a status to the gateway so it will register, but so far it hasn't.

  • Plugin Developer



    There are three problems that I can see.

    1. S_DIMMER and V_DIMMER are not supported currently by home assistant. You can switch the light using S_LIGHT and V_LIGHT but not control brightness yet.

    2. Message type req (2), for requesting a value from the gateway/controller is not supported by home assistant currently.

    3. You are using the pin numbers instead of the sensor ids when you present the sensors and setup the messages.

    MyMessage lightMsgM(MLED_PIN, V_LIGHT);
    gw.present( MLED_PIN, S_DIMMER );

    Since you want sensor 0 to control both lights, and 1 and 2 to control the individual lights, it should be:

    #define CHILD_ID0 0
    #define CHILD_ID1 1
    #define CHILD_ID2 2
    MyMessage lightMsgMW(CHILD_ID0, V_LIGHT);
    MyMessage lightMsgM(CHILD_ID1, V_LIGHT);
    MyMessage lightMsgW(CHILD_ID2, V_LIGHT);
    gw.present(CHILD_ID0, S_LIGHT);
    gw.present(CHILD_ID1, S_LIGHT);
    gw.present(CHILD_ID2, S_LIGHT);

    You'll also have to adapt the code for only V_LIGHT values of 0 or 1.

    You seem to be sending one initial value just fine, and the code looks ok for that, but you should change how you setup the messages.

    I'm working on the light platform for home assistant currently, which will implement support for brightness dimming and RGB LEDs. As I don't own any RGB LEDs yet, I'd be interested in beta testers for this.

  • Thank you @martinhjelmare , I had some spare time this morning to go over what you said and made the necessary changes. I was able to keep the code for the dimmer, so i'll be able to test that function when it gets implemented someday. For now, they turn on and off and all three switches registered correctly, so that's great.

    Here is the final code for reference. Might help someone in the future.

     * The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
     * between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
     * The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
     * repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
     * network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
     * Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
     * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
     * Full contributor list:
     * Documentation:
     * Support Forum:
     * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
     * Version 1.0 - 6-December-2015, Derrick Rockwell
     *This sketch uses two 30 bulb, 3mm LED holiday light strings. These
     *can usually be found in most dollar stores/hardware stores and are 
     *battery powered. This sketch uses digital pins 3 and 4 to power two 
     *a string of lights each. Ex, one can control white lights the other
     *could control multi-colour lights. 
    #define SN "HolidayLEDDeskLights"
    #define SV "1.0"
    #include <MySensor.h> 
    #include <SPI.h>
    #define MLED_PIN 3      // Pin Multi-Coloured LED's will attached to
    #define WLED_PIN 5      // Pin White-Coloured LED's will attached to
    #define FADE_DELAY 10  // Delay in ms for each percentage fade up/down (10ms = 1s full-range dim)
    // #define NODE_ID 4
    #define CHILD_ID0 0
    #define CHILD_ID1 1
    #define CHILD_ID2 2
    MySensor gw;
    static int currentLevelMW = 0;  // Current dim level...
    static int currentLevelM = 0;  // Current dim level...
    static int currentLevelW = 0;  // Current dim level...
    MyMessage lightMsgMW(CHILD_ID0, V_LIGHT);
    MyMessage dimmerMsgMW(CHILD_ID0, V_DIMMER);
    MyMessage dimmerMsgM(CHILD_ID1, V_DIMMER);
    MyMessage lightMsgM(CHILD_ID1, V_LIGHT);
    MyMessage dimmerMsgW(CHILD_ID2, V_DIMMER);
    MyMessage lightMsgW(CHILD_ID2, V_LIGHT);
     * Dimmable LED initialization method
    void setup()  
      Serial.println( SN ); 
      Serial.println( SV );
      gw.begin( incomingMessage );
      // Register the LED Dimmable Light with the gateway
      gw.present(CHILD_ID0, S_LIGHT);
      gw.present(CHILD_ID1, S_LIGHT);
      gw.present(CHILD_ID2, S_LIGHT);
      gw.present( MLED_PIN, S_DIMMER );
      gw.present( WLED_PIN, S_DIMMER );
      gw.sendSketchInfo(SN, SV);
      // Pull the gateway's current dim level - restore light level upon sendor node power-up
      gw.request( CHILD_ID0, V_LIGHT );
      gw.request( CHILD_ID1, V_LIGHT );
      gw.request( CHILD_ID2, V_LIGHT );
      gw.request( CHILD_ID1, V_DIMMER );
      gw.request( CHILD_ID2, V_DIMMER );
     *  Dimmable LED main processing loop 
    void loop() 
    //For Multi Coloured Lights
    void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) {
    if (message.type == V_LIGHT || message.type == V_DIMMER) {
          // if (message.sensor <= 2)
              //0: All Dimmers
              //1: LED 1
              //2: LED 2
              //  Retrieve the power or dim level from the incoming request message
              int requestedLevel = atoi( );
              // Adjust incoming level if this is a V_LIGHT variable update [0 == off, 1 == on]
              requestedLevel *= ( message.type == V_LIGHT ? 100 : 1 );
              if ((message.sensor == CHILD_ID0) || (message.sensor == 0)){
                fadeToLevel ( requestedLevel, MLED_PIN, &currentLevelMW );
                // Inform the gateway of the current DimmableLED's SwitchPower1 and LoadLevelStatus value...
                gw.send(lightMsgMW.set(requestedLevel > 0 ? 1 : 0));
                gw.send(dimmerMsgMW.set(requestedLevel) );
              if ((message.sensor == CHILD_ID1) || (message.sensor == 0)){
                fadeToLevel( requestedLevel, MLED_PIN, &currentLevelM );
                // Inform the gateway of the current DimmableLED's SwitchPower1 and LoadLevelStatus value...
                gw.send(lightMsgM.set(requestedLevel > 0 ? 1 : 0));
                gw.send(dimmerMsgM.set(requestedLevel) );
               if ((message.sensor == CHILD_ID2) || (message.sensor == 0)){
                fadeToLevel( requestedLevel, WLED_PIN, &currentLevelW );
                // Inform the gateway of the current DimmableLED's SwitchPower1 and LoadLevelStatus value...
                gw.send(lightMsgW.set(requestedLevel > 0 ? 1 : 0));
                gw.send(dimmerMsgW.set(requestedLevel) );
     *  This method provides a graceful fade up/down effect
     // For Multi Coloured Lights
    void fadeToLevel( int toLevel, int pin, int *currentLevel ) {
      int delta = ( toLevel - (*currentLevel) ) < 0 ? -1 : 1;
      while ( (*currentLevel) != toLevel ) {
        (*currentLevel) += delta;
        analogWrite( pin, (int)((*currentLevel) / 100. * 255) );
        delay( FADE_DELAY );

  • Plugin Developer



    There's still only one message that is sent in the end of the setup function, what I can see. You should not use the I/O pin numbers for presenting the sensors. I would write it like this:

    void setup() {
      // Register the LED Dimmable Light with the gateway
      gw.present(CHILD_ID0, S_LIGHT);
      gw.present(CHILD_ID1, S_LIGHT);
      gw.present(CHILD_ID2, S_LIGHT);
      // Change the above presentation for the lines below, when dimmer is supported.
      //gw.present(CHILD_ID0, S_DIMMER);
      //gw.present(CHILD_ID1, S_DIMMER);
      //gw.present(CHILD_ID2, S_DIMMER);
      // Uncomment the following three lines, when support for dimmer is implemented.
    void incomingMessage(const MyMessage &message) {
      if (message.type == V_LIGHT || message.type == V_DIMMER) {
        //0: All Dimmers
        //1: LED 1
        //2: LED 2
        //  Retrieve the power or dim level from the incoming request message
        int requestedLevel = atoi( );
        // Adjust incoming level if this is a V_LIGHT variable update [0 == off, 1 == on]
        requestedLevel *= ( message.type == V_LIGHT ? 100 : 1 );
        if (message.sensor == CHILD_ID0)) {
          // This is just a virtual switch/dimmer for both control pins.
          // Changing the pins is done in the following if blocks, ie not here.
          // Just update sensor state.
          gw.send(lightMsgMW.set(requestedLevel > 0 ? 1 : 0));
          gw.send(dimmerMsgMW.set(requestedLevel) );
        if ((message.sensor == CHILD_ID1) || (message.sensor == CHILD_ID0)) {
          fadeToLevel( requestedLevel, MLED_PIN, &currentLevelM );
          // Inform the gateway of the current DimmableLED's SwitchPower and LoadLevelStatus value...
          gw.send(lightMsgM.set(requestedLevel > 0 ? 1 : 0));
          gw.send(dimmerMsgM.set(requestedLevel) );
        if ((message.sensor == CHILD_ID2) || (message.sensor == CHILD_ID0)) {
          fadeToLevel( requestedLevel, WLED_PIN, &currentLevelW );
          // Inform the gateway of the current DimmableLED's SwitchPower and LoadLevelStatus value...
          gw.send(lightMsgW.set(requestedLevel > 0 ? 1 : 0));
          gw.send(dimmerMsgW.set(requestedLevel) );

    This code will give you three switches. Two of them are mapped against the first and second I/O pin (LED) respectively while the third switch controls both pins/LEDs at the same time.

  • Hi @martinhjelmare

    Yes, that is correct about only sending the one message. But, when that one switch gets toggled, the other two became active and sent their respective messages to Home-Assistant. The script that I had posted does work, but I do see what improvements you suggest. I meant to add them in originally - must have hurried through them. Next time i am in front of my PC, i'll make those changes.

    I have a question about Home-Assistant maybe you can answer. I want to build a scene-controller to start having hardware control over my switches. Does Home-assistant and your plug-in support scene controllers? I don't see what is and what isn't supported for the API calls between the two.


  • Plugin Developer


    Scene control is supported by a sensor in HA. I updated the docs. See the sensor and switch sub pages for mysensors at Let me know if it works as you like it or not.

  • Hi @martinhjelmare

    I've started to put together a simple 4x4 keypad scene controller, but I am running into issues when it connects to Home-Assistant. The scene controller sketch I am using is this which is based off PeteWill's that is linked on the main page, only with more buttons. The Scene Controller connects to HA and gets assinged a node ID, and I can send in commands but after that Home-Assistant freezes up and stops reacting to anything related to MySensors. In the end, I have to reboot the Home-Assistant service for everything else on my MySensors network to work again.

     * The MySensors Arduino library handles the wireless radio link and protocol
     * between your home built sensors/actuators and HA controller of choice.
     * The sensors forms a self healing radio network with optional repeaters. Each
     * repeater and gateway builds a routing tables in EEPROM which keeps track of the
     * network topology allowing messages to be routed to nodes.
     * Created by Henrik Ekblad <>
     * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Sensnology AB
     * Full contributor list:
     * Documentation:
     * Support Forum:
     * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
     * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
     * version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
     * Version 1.0 - Derrick Rockwell
     * Bassed off PeteWill's 4x1Scene Controller. This one uses the 4x4 keypad and Analog
     * pings A0 to A3. 
     * A simple scene controller for use with MySensors.  8 scenes can be executed.
     * 4 with short button presses and 4 with long button presses (held .5 seconds or more).
     * Watch a how to video here: 
    #include <Keypad.h>
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <MySensor.h>
    #define NODE_ID AUTO // or set to AUTO if you want gw to assign a NODE_ID for you.
    #define SN "Scene Controller"
    #define SV "1.0"
    #define KEYPAD_CHILD_ID 0
    MySensor gw;
    MyMessage scene(KEYPAD_CHILD_ID, V_SCENE_ON);
    const byte ROWS = 4; //four rows
    const byte COLS = 4; //three columns
    char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
    byte rowPins[ROWS] = {3, 4, 5, 6}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
    byte colPins[COLS] = {A0, A1, A2, A3}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad
    Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );
    byte lastState;
    void setup() {
      gw.begin(NULL, NODE_ID);
      gw.sendSketchInfo(SN, SV);
      keypad.addEventListener(keypadEvent); // Add an event listener for this keypad
    void loop() {
      char key = keypad.getKey();
    void keypadEvent(KeypadEvent key) {
      switch (keypad.getState()) {
        case PRESSED:
          lastState = 1;
        case HOLD:
          lastState = 2;
        case RELEASED:
          int keyInt = key - '0'; //Quick way to convert Char to Int so it can be sent to controller
          if (lastState == 2) {
            keyInt = keyInt + 10; //If button is held, add 4.  If using more than 4 buttons this number will need to be changed

    This is the log from the ARduino IDE when connecting and pressing the buttons on the keypad. Not sure if it is me or not.

    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:1.5.1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:0
    sensor started, id=9, parent=0, distance=1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=16,sg=0,st=ok:Scene Controller
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0,st=ok:1.0
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=0,t=25,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,st=ok:
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-6
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-6
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-13
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-13
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:19
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:18
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:17
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:2
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:3
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:1.5.1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:0
    read: 0-0-9 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:M
    sensor started, id=9, parent=0, distance=1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=16,sg=0,st=ok:Scene Controller
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0,st=ok:1.0
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=0,t=25,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,st=ok:
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:2
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:3
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:17
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:18
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:19
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:27
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:18
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:18
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:17
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:17
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:27
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:28
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:29
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:30
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-6
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:4
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:4
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-6
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-6
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-6
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-13
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-13
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-3
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:-3
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:20

    And this is where the output stops in the HA log when trying to send a command from the Scene Controller:

    Feb 09 19:20:40 raspberrypi hass[10783]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 09 19:20:40 raspberrypi hass[10783]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 9
    Feb 09 19:20:40 raspberrypi hass[10783]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:No sketch_name: node 9
    Feb 09 19:20:40 raspberrypi hass[10783]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:No sketch_name: node 9

  • Plugin Developer


    Does the sensor show up in the gui? The log says "No sketch_name" when node 9 updates. That's an indication that all the presentation messages haven't been received. At least not sketch name. Do you have the full log after start of home assistant?

  • @martinhjelmare


    No the sensor doesn't show in the GUI. When the node presents itself, that is when Home-Assistant looses all connection/activity with MySensors. This is the output from Home-Assistant log. In it, I switched on and off the lights discussed in this thread, and that worked fine. I then started up the node connected to my PC on the Arduino IDE and this is where activity for HA and MySensors stops. I tried to turn on and off the lights, but no output in the log.

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ clear
    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo journalctl -f -u home-assistant
    -- Logs begin at Tue 2016-02-09 13:21:39 UTC. --
    Feb 10 02:52:00 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 10 02:52:10 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:52:20 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:52:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:52:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.light:Updating light entities
    Feb 10 02:52:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: camera entities
    Feb 10 02:52:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state camera.livingroom_cam=idle; friendly_name=LivingRoom Cam, entity_picture=/api/camera_proxy/camera.livingroom_cam?time=1455072720.5229504 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state camera.livingroom_cam=idle; friendly_name=LivingRoom Cam, entity_picture=/api/camera_proxy/camera.livingroom_cam?time=1455072750.538427 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, entity_id=camera.livingroom_cam>
    Feb 10 02:52:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 10 02:52:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state sun.sun=below_horizon; next_setting=21:39:26 10-02-2016, next_rising=11:25:09 10-02-2016, friendly_name=Sun, elevation=-53.29 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state sun.sun=below_horizon; next_setting=21:39:26 10-02-2016, next_rising=11:25:09 10-02-2016, friendly_name=Sun, elevation=-53.42 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, entity_id=sun.sun>
    Feb 10 02:52:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:52:50 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:53:00 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:53:00 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.light:Updating light entities
    Feb 10 02:53:00 raspberrypi hass[14964]: camera entities
    Feb 10 02:53:00 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state camera.livingroom_cam=idle; friendly_name=LivingRoom Cam, entity_picture=/api/camera_proxy/camera.livingroom_cam?time=1455072750.538427 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state camera.livingroom_cam=idle; friendly_name=LivingRoom Cam, entity_picture=/api/camera_proxy/camera.livingroom_cam?time=1455072780.5222528 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, entity_id=camera.livingroom_cam>
    Feb 10 02:53:01 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service=turn_on, service_call_id=1981506480-5, domain=homeassistant, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_30>
    Feb 10 02:53:01 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service_call_id=1981506480-6, service=turn_on, domain=switch, entity_id=['switch.holidayleddesklights_30']>
    Feb 10 02:53:01 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 10 02:53:01 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_30=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=0, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:50:23 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_30=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=0, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:01 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_30>
    Feb 10 02:53:01 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_executed[L]: service_call_id=1981506480-6>
    Feb 10 02:53:01 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_executed[L]: service_call_id=1981506480-5>
    Feb 10 02:53:01 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.http:"POST /api/services/homeassistant/turn_on HTTP/1.1" 200 -
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_30=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=0, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:01 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_30=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=0, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:01 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_30>
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:02 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_31=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=1, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:50:26 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_31=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=1, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:03 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_31>
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_31=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=1, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:03 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_31=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=1, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:03 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_31>
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:03 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_32=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=2, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:50:27 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_32=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=2, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:04 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_32>
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:04 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_32=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=2, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:04 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_32=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=2, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:04 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_32>
    Feb 10 02:53:10 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:53:14 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service=turn_off, service_call_id=1981506480-7, domain=homeassistant, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_30>
    Feb 10 02:53:14 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event call_service[L]: service_call_id=1981506480-8, service=turn_off, domain=switch, entity_id=['switch.holidayleddesklights_30']>
    Feb 10 02:53:14 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_30=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=0, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:01 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_30=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=0, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:14 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_30>
    Feb 10 02:53:14 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_executed[L]: service_call_id=1981506480-8>
    Feb 10 02:53:14 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_executed[L]: service_call_id=1981506480-7>
    Feb 10 02:53:14 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.http:"POST /api/services/homeassistant/turn_off HTTP/1.1" 200 -
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_30=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=0, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:14 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_30=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=0, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:14 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_30>
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:15 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_31=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=1, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:03 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_31=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=1, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:16 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_31>
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_31=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=1, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:16 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_31=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=1, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:16 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_31>
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 1
    Feb 10 02:53:16 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 100
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_32=on; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=2, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:04 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_32=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=2, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:17 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_32>
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 3
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.0: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.1: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 2, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.mysensors:HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2: value_type 3, value = 0
    Feb 10 02:53:17 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_32=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=100, child_id=2, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:17 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state switch.holidayleddesklights_32=off; node_id=3, V_PERCENTAGE=0, child_id=2, friendly_name=HolidayLEDDeskLights 3.2, battery_level=0, port=/dev/ttyUSB0 @ 22:53:17 09-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.holidayleddesklights_32>
    Feb 10 02:53:20 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:53:28 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 9
    Feb 10 02:53:28 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:No sketch_name: node 9
    Feb 10 02:53:29 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:No sketch_name: node 9
    Feb 10 02:53:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:53:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.light:Updating light entities
    Feb 10 02:53:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: camera entities
    Feb 10 02:53:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state camera.livingroom_cam=idle; friendly_name=LivingRoom Cam, entity_picture=/api/camera_proxy/camera.livingroom_cam?time=1455072780.5222528 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state camera.livingroom_cam=idle; friendly_name=LivingRoom Cam, entity_picture=/api/camera_proxy/camera.livingroom_cam?time=1455072810.5219505 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, entity_id=camera.livingroom_cam>
    Feb 10 02:53:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state sun.sun=below_horizon; next_setting=21:39:26 10-02-2016, next_rising=11:25:09 10-02-2016, friendly_name=Sun, elevation=-53.42 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state sun.sun=below_horizon; next_setting=21:39:26 10-02-2016, next_rising=11:25:09 10-02-2016, friendly_name=Sun, elevation=-53.54 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, entity_id=sun.sun>
    Feb 10 02:53:30 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: Exception in thread Thread-5:
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: Traceback (most recent call last):
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 920, in _bootstrap_inner
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]:
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: File "/home/pi/.homeassistant/lib/mysensors/", line 312, in run
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: response = self.handle_queue()
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: File "/home/pi/.homeassistant/lib/mysensors/", line 222, in handle_queue
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: reply = func(*args, **kwargs)
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: File "/home/pi/.homeassistant/lib/mysensors/", line 105, in logic
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: msg = Message(data)
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: File "/home/pi/.homeassistant/lib/mysensors/", line 397, in __init__
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: self.decode(data)
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: File "/home/pi/.homeassistant/lib/mysensors/", line 417, in decode
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: self.sub_type) = [int(f) for f in data]
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack
    Feb 10 02:53:40 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:53:50 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:54:00 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 10 02:54:00 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.components.light:Updating light entities
    Feb 10 02:54:00 raspberrypi hass[14964]: camera entities
    Feb 10 02:54:00 raspberrypi hass[14964]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state camera.livingroom_cam=idle; friendly_name=LivingRoom Cam, entity_picture=/api/camera_proxy/camera.livingroom_cam?time=1455072810.5219505 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, new_state=<state camera.livingroom_cam=idle; friendly_name=LivingRoom Cam, entity_picture=/api/camera_proxy/camera.livingroom_cam?time=1455072840.5167649 @ 22:50:02 09-02-2016>, entity_id=camera.livingroom_cam>

    And the Scene Controller itself seems to be presenting itself correctly, even to the point that Home-Assistant the first time assigned it a Node ID of 9, just no response on the gateway end.

    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=5,sg=0,st=ok:1.5.1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:0
    sensor started, id=9, parent=0, distance=1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=16,sg=0,st=ok:Scene Controller
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0,st=ok:1.0
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=0,t=25,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,st=ok:
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:1
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:2
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:3
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:4
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:5
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:6
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:7
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:8
    send: 9-9-0-0 s=0,c=1,t=19,pt=2,l=2,sg=0,st=ok:9

  • Plugin Developer


    You get an error in the log, due to not complete message received via serial. Since this is not caught, the thread will hang. This is fixed in the dev branch at pymysensors, but we haven't included it in home assistant yet. I hope to do that for the next release.

    It would help if you activate debug for the mysensors component in the config for home assistant, so we can pinpoint exactly which message gives the error.

  • @martinhjelmare

    pi@raspberrypi:~/.homeassistant $ sudo service home-assistant restart
    pi@raspberrypi:~/.homeassistant $ clear
    pi@raspberrypi:~/.homeassistant $ sudo journalctl -f -u home-assistant
    -- Logs begin at Tue 2016-02-09 13:21:39 UTC. --
    Feb 11 11:35:37 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state sensor.motion_sensor_81=; friendly_name=Motion Sensor 8.1, node_id=8, port=/dev/ttyUSB0, child_id=1, battery_level=0 @ 07:35:37 11-02-2016>, entity_id=sensor.motion_sensor_81>
    Feb 11 11:35:37 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.sensor.mysensors:Motion Sensor 8.1: value_type 16, value = 0
    Feb 11 11:35:37 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state sensor.motion_sensor_81=; friendly_name=Motion Sensor 8.1, node_id=8, port=/dev/ttyUSB0, child_id=1, battery_level=0 @ 07:35:37 11-02-2016>, new_state=<state sensor.motion_sensor_81=off; friendly_name=Motion Sensor 8.1, node_id=8, port=/dev/ttyUSB0, child_id=1, battery_level=0 @ 07:35:37 11-02-2016>, entity_id=sensor.motion_sensor_81>
    Feb 11 11:35:37 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update persistence: node 9
    Feb 11 11:35:37 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:No sketch_name: node 9
    Feb 11 11:35:37 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:No sketch_name: node 9
    Feb 11 11:35:37 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update persistence: node 10
    Feb 11 11:35:40 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:mysensors.mysensors:/dev/ttyUSB0 is open...
    Feb 11 11:35:40 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:mysensors.mysensors:Connected to /dev/ttyUSB0
    Feb 11 11:35:40 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:mysensors.mysensors:n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:gateway started, id=0, parent=0, distance=0
    Feb 11 11:35:40 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 11 11:35:49 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:49 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:49 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:49 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:49 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:49 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:49 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:49 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:49 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:49 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:50 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.discovery:Found new service: philips_hue ('Philips hue (', '')
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.loader:Loaded light from homeassistant.components.light
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_registered[L]: domain=light, service=turn_on>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_registered[L]: domain=light, service=turn_off>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event service_registered[L]: domain=light, service=toggle>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event component_loaded[L]: component=light>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event platform_discovered[L]: discovered=('Philips hue (', ''), service=philips_hue>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.loader:Loaded light.hue from homeassistant.components.light.hue
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:phue:Attempting to connect to the bridge...
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:phue:Using ip:
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:phue:Using username from config: 17de782878661df2bf4edd823bafdcf
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state light.living_room_light_1=off; friendly_name=Living room light 1 @ 07:35:51 11-02-2016>, entity_id=light.living_room_light_1>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state light.living_room_light_2=off; friendly_name=Living room light 2 @ 07:35:51 11-02-2016>, entity_id=light.living_room_light_2>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state light.master_bedroom_1=off; friendly_name=Master bedroom 1 @ 07:35:51 11-02-2016>, entity_id=light.master_bedroom_1>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state light.master_bedroom_light_strip=off; friendly_name=Master bedroom light strip @ 07:35:51 11-02-2016>, entity_id=light.master_bedroom_light_strip>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state light.aprils_lamp=off; friendly_name=April's lamp @ 07:35:51 11-02-2016>, entity_id=light.aprils_lamp>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state light.master_bedroom_2=off; friendly_name=Master bedroom 2 @ 07:35:51 11-02-2016>, entity_id=light.master_bedroom_2>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state light.master_bedroom_3=off; friendly_name=Master bedroom 3 @ 07:35:51 11-02-2016>, entity_id=light.master_bedroom_3>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state group.all_lights=unknown; hidden=True, friendly_name=all lights, entity_id=[], auto=True, order=1 @ 07:35:51 11-02-2016>, entity_id=group.all_lights>
    Feb 11 11:35:51 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state group.all_lights=off; hidden=True, friendly_name=all lights, entity_id=('light.master_bedroom_3', 'light.living_room_light_1', 'light.aprils_lamp', 'light.master_bedroom_light_strip', 'light.living_room_light_2', 'light.master_bedroom_1', 'light.master_bedroom_2'), auto=True, order=1 @ 07:35:51 11-02-2016>, entity_id=group.all_lights>
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.discovery:Found new service: plex_mediaserver ('Rocknet Server', '')
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event platform_discovered[L]: discovered=('Rocknet Server', ''), service=plex_mediaserver>
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.discovery:Found new service: DLNA
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.discovery:Found new service: DLNA
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.discovery:Found new service: belkin_wemo ('LivingRoomLamp', 'Socket', '', '94103E30C688')
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event platform_discovered[L]: discovered=('LivingRoomLamp', 'Socket', '', '94103E30C688'), service=belkin_wemo>
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.discovery:Found new service: belkin_wemo ('Christmas Tree Lights', 'Insight', '', '94103E395F2C')
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.loader:Loaded media_player.plex from homeassistant.components.media_player.plex
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event platform_discovered[L]: discovered=('Christmas Tree Lights', 'Insight', '', '94103E395F2C'), service=belkin_wemo>
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.loader:Loaded switch.wemo from homeassistant.components.switch.wemo
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.discovery:Found new service: belkin_wemo ('CatFan', 'Socket', '', '94103E30CDBC')
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.loader:Loaded switch.wemo from homeassistant.components.switch.wemo
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event platform_discovered[L]: discovered=('CatFan', 'Socket', '', '94103E30CDBC'), service=belkin_wemo>
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.discovery:Found new service: google_cast ('', 8009)
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event platform_discovered[L]: discovered=('', 8009), service=google_cast>
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.discovery:Found new service: google_cast ('', 8009)
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event platform_discovered[L]: discovered=('', 8009), service=google_cast>
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.loader:Loaded media_player.cast from homeassistant.components.media_player.cast
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.loader:Loaded media_player.cast from homeassistant.components.media_player.cast
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:plexapi:GET
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player.plex:Connected to:
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:plexapi:GET
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:pywemo.subscribe:Listening on port 8989
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:plexapi:GET
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:52 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: ERROR:homeassistant.components.media_player:Error while setting up platform cast
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: Traceback (most recent call last):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/homeassistant/helpers/", line 146, in _setup_platform
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: self.hass, platform_config, self.add_entities, discovery_info)
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/homeassistant/components/media_player/", line 39, in setup_platform
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: import pychromecast
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/home/pi/.homeassistant/lib/pychromecast/", line 14, in <module>
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: from . import socket_client
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: ImportError: cannot import name 'socket_client'
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: ERROR:homeassistant.components.media_player:Error while setting up platform cast
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: Traceback (most recent call last):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/homeassistant/helpers/", line 146, in _setup_platform
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: self.hass, platform_config, self.add_entities, discovery_info)
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/homeassistant/components/media_player/", line 68, in setup_platform
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: casts.append(CastDevice(host))
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.4/dist-packages/homeassistant/components/media_player/", line 84, in __init__
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: import as youtube
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'controllers'
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:pywemo.subscribe:Subscribing to events from <WeMo Switch "LivingRoomLamp">
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:pywemo.subscribe:Resubscribe for <WeMo Switch "LivingRoomLamp">
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state switch.livingroomlamp=on; friendly_name=LivingRoomLamp @ 07:35:53 11-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.livingroomlamp>
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state group.all_switches=on; hidden=True, friendly_name=all switches, entity_id=('switch.man_cave_lamp_41', 'switch.holidayleddesklights_31', 'switch.holidayleddesklights_32', 'switch.2_door_bellchime_monitor_21', 'switch.holidayleddesklights_30', 'switch.2_door_bellchime_monitor_23', 'switch.livingroomlamp'), auto=True, order=0 @ 07:35:53 11-02-2016>, entity_id=group.all_switches>
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:pywemo.subscribe:Received event from <WeMo Switch "LivingRoomLamp">(
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:pywemo.subscribe:Subscribing to events from <WeMo Switch "CatFan">
    Feb 11 11:35:53 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.wemo:Subscription update for  <WeMo Switch "LivingRoomLamp">
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:pywemo.subscribe:Resubscribe for <WeMo Switch "CatFan">
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state switch.catfan=off; friendly_name=CatFan @ 07:35:54 11-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.catfan>
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state group.all_switches=on; hidden=True, friendly_name=all switches, entity_id=('switch.man_cave_lamp_41', 'switch.holidayleddesklights_31', 'switch.catfan', 'switch.holidayleddesklights_32', 'switch.2_door_bellchime_monitor_21', 'switch.holidayleddesklights_30', 'switch.2_door_bellchime_monitor_23', 'switch.livingroomlamp'), auto=True, order=0 @ 07:35:54 11-02-2016>, entity_id=group.all_switches>
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:pywemo.subscribe:Subscribing to events from <WeMo Insight "Christmas Tree Lights">
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:pywemo.subscribe:Received event from <WeMo Switch "CatFan">(
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.wemo:Subscription update for  <WeMo Switch "CatFan">
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:pywemo.subscribe:Resubscribe for <WeMo Insight "Christmas Tree Lights">
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state switch.christmas_tree_lights=off; friendly_name=Christmas Tree Lights @ 07:35:54 11-02-2016>, entity_id=switch.christmas_tree_lights>
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: new_state=<state group.all_switches=on; hidden=True, friendly_name=all switches, entity_id=('switch.man_cave_lamp_41', 'switch.holidayleddesklights_31', 'switch.catfan', 'switch.holidayleddesklights_32', 'switch.2_door_bellchime_monitor_21', 'switch.christmas_tree_lights', 'switch.holidayleddesklights_30', 'switch.2_door_bellchime_monitor_23', 'switch.livingroomlamp'), auto=True, order=0 @ 07:35:54 11-02-2016>, entity_id=group.all_switches>
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:pywemo.subscribe:Received event from <WeMo Insight "Christmas Tree Lights">(
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.wemo:Subscription update for  <WeMo Insight "Christmas Tree Lights">
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:54 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:55 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:pywemo.subscribe:Received event from <WeMo Insight "Christmas Tree Lights">(
    Feb 11 11:35:55 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.switch.wemo:Subscription update for  <WeMo Insight "Christmas Tree Lights">
    Feb 11 11:35:55 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:55 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:55 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    Feb 11 11:35:57 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:mysensors.mysensors:n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:read: 9-9-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=5,sg=0:1.5.1
    Feb 11 11:35:57 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:update sensor_update: node 9
    Feb 11 11:35:57 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:No sketch_name: node 9
    Feb 11 11:35:57 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.mysensors:No sketch_name: node 9
    Feb 11 11:35:57 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:mysensors.mysensors:n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:read: 9-9-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:0
    Feb 11 11:35:57 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:mysensors.mysensors:n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:send: 0-0-9-9 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=1,sg=0,st=ok:M
    Feb 11 11:35:59 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:mysensors.mysensors:n:0 c:0 t:3 s:9 p:read: 9-9-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=16,sg=0:Scene Controller
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: Exception in thread Thread-9:
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: Traceback (most recent call last):
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/usr/lib/python3.4/", line 920, in _bootstrap_inner
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]:
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/home/pi/.homeassistant/lib/mysensors/", line 312, in run
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: response = self.handle_queue()
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/home/pi/.homeassistant/lib/mysensors/", line 222, in handle_queue
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: reply = func(*args, **kwargs)
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/home/pi/.homeassistant/lib/mysensors/", line 105, in logic
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: msg = Message(data)
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/home/pi/.homeassistant/lib/mysensors/", line 397, in __init__
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: self.decode(data)
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: File "/home/pi/.homeassistant/lib/mysensors/", line 417, in decode
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: self.sub_type) = [int(f) for f in data]
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: ValueError: need more than 0 values to unpack
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.media_player:Updating media_player entities
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.components.light:Updating light entities
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: camera entities
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:homeassistant.core:Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: old_state=<state camera.livingroom_cam=idle; entity_picture=/api/camera_proxy/camera.livingroom_cam?time=1455190535.9862137, friendly_name=LivingRoom Cam @ 07:35:35 11-02-2016>, new_state=<state camera.livingroom_cam=idle; entity_picture=/api/camera_proxy/camera.livingroom_cam?time=1455190560.5117981, friendly_name=LivingRoom Cam @ 07:35:35 11-02-2016>, entity_id=camera.livingroom_cam>
    Feb 11 11:36:00 raspberrypi hass[20996]: INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):

  • Plugin Developer


    Thanks. Ok, it seems it fails on the message after receiving the sketch name. That should be the sketch version. It's more probable that the sketch name is causing troubles though, I think. Try using a shorter one-word name.

  • @martinhjelmare

    Good call, it was the name. Changed it to SC and it showed up fine. Now to link this to switches and scenes.


  • Plugin Developer

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