UI5 to UI7 update

  • Hello,
    It's been a while since I have worked with my vera & arduinos, moved to a new home. So I set up vera and decided to update to UI7.758. Everything transferred ok, however my arduino plugin did not recoginze the gateway - I have updated the plugin to v1.5, removed the device and created it again, configured the serial port. It gives me the can't detect device, I try to start the device an nothing happens. The gateway I am using is a Nano serial gateway. Any help would be appreciated

  • Admin

    Did you update your plugin using the UI7 branch?

  • Hello,
    Yes used the zip file in the UI7 branch, looks like the file dates are 3/16/2016.. The version on the plugin is v1.5

  • Admin


    1. Ok, are you using a genuine nano or a clone? I know others have reported issues with certain clones being recognized. Logging into my VeraPlus and listing the usb devices, I see the following:
    root@OpenWrt:~# lsusb 
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 05e3:0610 Genesys Logic, Inc. 4-port hub
    Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0e8d:7662 MediaTek Inc. 
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
    Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC
    Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0781:5571 SanDisk Corp. Cruzer Fit

    The nano shows up as an FTDI device - 006 on bus 001. Here are the details for the nano...

    root@OpenWrt:~# lsusb -v -s 001:006
    Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0403:6001 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC
    Device Descriptor:
      bLength                18
      bDescriptorType         1
      bcdUSB               2.00
      bDeviceClass            0 (Defined at Interface level)
      bDeviceSubClass         0 
      bDeviceProtocol         0 
      bMaxPacketSize0         8
      idVendor           0x0403 Future Technology Devices International, Ltd
      idProduct          0x6001 FT232 USB-Serial (UART) IC
      bcdDevice            6.00
      iManufacturer           1 FTDI
      iProduct                2 FT232R USB UART
      iSerial                 3 A7036KQ4
      bNumConfigurations      1
      Configuration Descriptor:
        bLength                 9
        bDescriptorType         2
        wTotalLength           32
        bNumInterfaces          1
        bConfigurationValue     1
        iConfiguration          0 
        bmAttributes         0xa0
          (Bus Powered)
          Remote Wakeup
        MaxPower               90mA
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        0
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           2
          bInterfaceClass       255 Vendor Specific Class
          bInterfaceSubClass    255 Vendor Specific Subclass
          bInterfaceProtocol    255 Vendor Specific Protocol
          iInterface              2 FT232R USB UART
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x81  EP 1 IN
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0040  1x 64 bytes
            bInterval               0
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x02  EP 2 OUT
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0040  1x 64 bytes
            bInterval               0
    Device Status:     0x0000
      (Bus Powered)

    What do you see when you log into your Vera and list the USB devices?

    1. If the nano is visible on the usb bus as described above, perhaps you should try a powered USB hub to ensure that ample power is delivered to the nano.

  • Hello,
    I am fairly sure it's a Nano clone for my gateway.. Within the serial port settings in vera it sees the device and the light is flashing on the vera as if it's communicating with gateway. How do I view the port settings / USB devices as you have detailed? I want to check and see if the gateway shows up as a FTDI device.

  • Admin

    @GRB You will need to ssh into your vera using the password on the bottom of the unit. On macOS or Linux, you would ssh root@<vera ip address> without the < or >. On Windows you will need to use an ssh client such as PuTTY which is free. Enter the password on the bottom of the unit when prompted. Here is a Micasaverde Wiki article on connecting to your Vera.

    Once you have connected, in the shell, just enter the commands as I did. To list your usb devices, use lsusb. If you see an FTDI device (Future Technology Devices International), you can list the details by using lsusb -v -s <Bus>:<Device> without the < or >. For example, on mine, the FTDI devices is on Bus 001, Device 006 so I used lsusb -v -s 001:006.

    Give it a try and if you run into problems, post back here. It would be good to see the output of your devices.

  • Hello Blacey,
    Sorry for all the replys.. I got as far as listing the devices, I couldnt't get the details.. This is what I show for connect devices..

    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001
    Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0403:6001

    when I try the -v -s commands it returns the same list.

  • Admin

    @GRB No need to apologize - we are trying to get to the root cause. What happens if you use the command lsusb -v -s 002:003? I suspect that will show you the FTDI device details because it has the id 0403:6001. If that is the case, then I suggest that you try the troubleshooting directions posted here - https://www.mysensors.org/controller/vera To paraphrase, the steps are:

    1. Unplug the MySensors gateway from the Vera USB port
    2. Restart the Vera LUUP Engine (Settings->Z-Wave Settings->Reload Engine)
    3. Plug gateway into the Vera USB port
    4. Restart the Vera LUUP Engine (Settings->Z-Wave Settings->Reload Engine)
    5. Re-configure serial port as described above (typically, you only need to reset the baud rate to 115200)

    Now that you have ssh access to your Vera, it is also helpful to view the log entries using the command tail -f /var/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log | grep Arduino on your Vera while performing the steps above. For example, when I reload the LUUP Engine on my Vera Plus running UI7, I see the following in my logs:

    50	11/17/16 21:57:07.212	luup_log:47: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x76ef7520>
    50	11/17/16 21:57:07.235	luup_log:47: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded <0x76ef7520>
    50	11/17/16 21:57:07.235	luup_log:47: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.5, 47 <0x76ef7520>
    50	11/17/16 21:57:07.236	luup_log:47: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,GWAddress, -, 47 <0x76ef7520>
    50	11/17/16 21:57:07.236	luup_log:47: Arduino: Trying for a serial connection <0x76ef7520>
    50	11/17/16 21:57:07.236	luup_log:47: Arduino: Serial port is connected <0x76ef7520>
    50	11/17/16 21:57:07.237	luup_log:47: Arduino: Baud is 115200 <0x76ef7520>
    50	11/17/16 21:57:07.237	luup_log:47: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,GWAddress, 91(115200), 47 <0x76ef7520>
    50	11/17/16 21:57:07.239	luup_log:47: Arduino: Sending: 0;0;3;0;2;Get Version <0x76ef7520>

    What are you seeing?

  • @blacey
    I will go through the steps to connect the gateway and then get the logs..

    When I send the command lsusb -v -3 002:003 It just returns the list of the 3 devices..

    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001
    Bus 002 Device 003: ID 0403:6001

  • Admin

    @GRB the command I suggested you use is lsusb -v -s 002:003, not lsusb -v -3 002:003?

    Looking forward to your results after the troubleshooting steps...

  • Hello
    So I was still unable to tell if the gateway is using a true FTDI chip, using the command lsusb -v -s 002:003.. I went through the process of setting up the gateway and reloaded the zwave engine - Below is the log for the Arduino gateway - There are a few areas that look significant but I pasted all the entries so nothing go missed.

    09 11/26/16 20:44:45.594 UserData::ParseRooms 13 Arduino <0x2ab7a000>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:45.672 Device 150 Description: Arduino Plugin <0x2ab7a000>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:45.904 Device_LuaUPnP::LoadDeviceDoc 150 file D_Arduino1.xml size 1034 result 0 <0x2ab7a000>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:45.905 Device_LuaUPnP::LoadDeviceDoc 150 file /etc/cmh-ludl//D_Arduino1.xml finished <0x2ab7a000>
    25 11/26/16 20:44:47.338 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::ParseAllImplementations parsed I_Arduino1.xml <0x2ab7a000>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:47.346 Device_LuaUPnP::MatchupImplementations device 150 using implementation: I_Arduino1.xml with 10 services <0x2ab7a000>
    25 11/26/16 20:44:49.894 LuaInterface::LuaInterface 0xc6ae20 device 150 Arduino Plugin <0x2ab7a000>
    25 11/26/16 20:44:49.921 LuaInterface::LuaInterface build device id's 0xc6ae20 device 150 Arduino Plugin <0x2ab7a000>
    25 11/26/16 20:44:49.922 LuaInterface::LuaInterface done 0xc6ae20 device 150 Arduino Plugin <0x2ab7a000>
    luup.log("Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ...")
    package.loaded.L_Arduino = nil
    p = require("L_Arduino")
    if (package.loaded.L_Arduino == nil)
    luup.log("Arduino plugin: plugin is not installed correctly. Library L_Arduino cannot be loaded.", 1)
    luup.task("Plugin not correctly installed", 2, "Arduino plugin", -1)
    luup.log("Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded")
    function SArduino_arduino1_SendCommand_job(lul_device,lul_settings,lul_job)
    function SArduino_arduino1_SetUnit_job(lul_device,lul_settings,lul_job)
    function SArduino_arduino1_StartInclusion_job(lul_device,lul_settings,lul_job)
    function SArduino_arduino1_StopInclusion_job(lul_device,lul_settings,lul_job)
    09 11/26/16 20:44:51.528 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::Run device 150 Arduino Plugin room 13 type urn:schemas-arduino-cc:device:arduino:1 cat 0:-1 id parent 0/0xaaefa0 upnp: 0 plugin:0 pnp:0 mac: ip: <0x2ab7a000>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:55.247 luup_log:69: device # 150: supports Dimming1; set watch on variable 'LoadLevelTarget' for Arduino Plugin <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:55.248 luup_log:69: device # 150: supports HVAC_UserOperatingMode1; set watch on variable 'ModeTarget' for Arduino Plugin <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:55.250 luup_log:69: device # 150: supports HVAC_UserOperatingMode1; set watch on variable 'ModeStatus' for Arduino Plugin <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:55.251 luup_log:69: device # 150: supports HVAC_UserOperatingMode1; set watch on variable 'EnergyModeTarget' for Arduino Plugin <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:55.253 luup_log:69: device # 150: supports HVAC_UserOperatingMode1; set watch on variable 'EnergyModeStatus' for Arduino Plugin <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:55.254 luup_log:69: device # 150: supports HVAC_FanOperatingMode1; set watch on variable 'Mode' for Arduino Plugin <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:55.256 luup_log:69: device # 150: supports HVAC_FanOperatingMode1; set watch on variable 'FanStatus' for Arduino Plugin <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:55.257 luup_log:69: device # 150: supports TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat; set watch on variable 'CurrentSetpoint' for Arduino Plugin <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:55.259 luup_log:69: device # 150: supports TemperatureSetpoint1_Heat; set watch on variable 'SetpointTarget' for Arduino Plugin <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:55.260 luup_log:69: device # 150: supports TemperatureSetpoint1_Cool; set watch on variable 'CurrentSetpoint' for Arduino Plugin <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:55.262 luup_log:69: device # 150: supports TemperatureSetpoint1_Cool; set watch on variable 'SetpointTarget' for Arduino Plugin <0x2b4ca680>
    25 11/26/16 20:44:55.399 LuImplementation::StartLua device: 150 file:I_Arduino1.xml startup:startup pLuaInterface: 0xc6ae20 ip: port 3481 protocol: (null) <0x2b4ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:55.407 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Plugin[150]: Opening IO Port timeout 0 (-1480221895) count: 6pend:Opening IO Port/err:(null)/done:(null) <0x2b2ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:55.411 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Plugin[150]: Opening IO Port timeout 0 (-1480221895) count: 6pend:Opening IO Port/err:(null)/done:(null) <0x2b2ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:55.416 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Plugin[150]: Opening IO Port timeout 0 (-1480221895) count: 6pend:Opening IO Port/err:(null)/done:(null) <0x2b2ca680>
    25 11/26/16 20:44:59.522 LuImplementation::StartLua running startup code for 150 I_Arduino1.xml <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:59.523 luup_log:150: Arduino plugin: loading library L_Arduino ... <0x2b4ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:59.529 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Plugin[150]: Running Lua Startup timeout 0 (-1480221899) count: 6pend:Running Lua Startup/err:(null)/done:(null) <0x2b2ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:59.564 luup_log:150: Arduino plugin: library L_Arduino loaded <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:59.565 luup_log:150: Arduino: urn:upnp-arduino-cc:serviceId:arduino1,PluginVersion, 1.5, 150 <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:59.566 luup_log:150: Arduino: Trying for a serial connection <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:59.566 luup_log:150: Arduino: Serial port is connected <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:59.567 luup_log:150: Arduino: Baud is 115200 <0x2b4ca680>
    50 11/26/16 20:44:59.570 luup_log:150: Arduino: Sending: 0;0;3;0;2;Get Version <0x2b4ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:59.579 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks now 1=Arduino Plugin[150]: Running Lua Startup timeout 0 (-1480221899) count: 6pend:Running Lua Startup/err:(null)/done:(null) <0x2b2ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:59.589 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #5 = 4 OK / Arduino Plugin[150] <0x2b2ca680>
    02 11/26/16 20:44:59.597 luup_log:150: Arduino: Incoming internal command '0;0;3;0;2;1.4.1' discarded for child: nil <0x2e0ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:59.609 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #5 = 4 OK / Arduino Plugin[150] <0x2b2ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:59.661 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #5 = 4 OK / Arduino Plugin[150] <0x2b2ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:44:59.667 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #5 = 4 OK / Arduino Plugin[150] <0x2b2ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:45:27.112 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #5 = 4 OK / Arduino Plugin[150] <0x2b2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.385 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'LoadLevelStatus' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.387 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'LoadLevelTarget' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.389 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'ModeTarget' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.390 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'ModeStatus' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.392 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'EnergyModeTarget' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.394 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'EnergyModeStatus' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.396 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'Mode' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.398 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'FanStatus' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.400 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'CurrentSetpoint' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.402 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'SetpointTarget' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.404 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'CurrentSetpoint' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    00 11/26/16 20:45:27.405 luup_log:69: EchoEnergyManager::ERROR: ergy_pollDevices: FAILED to retrieve 'SetpointTarget' for Arduino Plugin device # 150 <0x2c2ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:45:38.184 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #5 = 4 OK / Arduino Plugin[150] <0x2b2ca680>
    10 11/26/16 20:46:03.321 XXX-UpdateSystemMessagesTasks StartupTask #5 = 4 OK / Arduino Plugin[150] <0x2b2ca680>

  • Admin

    @GRB I am sorry you are still struggling with this but I am fairly certain we will figure it out. Thanks for posting your logs they are and will be helpful. It seems the plugin loads, purportedly connects to the serial port, requests the library version from the gateway but times out during lua_startup even though the gateway sends back version 1.4.1... I know we covered this before I think at this point, we should definitely verify the plugin files installed on your Vera match mine by computing a shasum over them. Please ssh to your vera and run sha1sum /etc/cmh-ludl/*_Arduino* and post the results here. If the checksums don't match, then we will know what to do. If they do match, then we will have definitively ruled out the plugin install and will have to dig further.

    sha1sum /etc/cmh-ludl/*_Arduino*
    f9875310ea581c6384046dfd733dc5c9e436ef20  /etc/cmh-ludl/D_Arduino1.json.lzo
    e3c4493c7dff216c152b8a4d50c169acf636b1fc  /etc/cmh-ludl/D_Arduino1.xml.lzo
    8f0186c85c9a6ef6e0e8ba0755f88cbb5d326e30  /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoNode1.json.lzo
    7d66187bb75beb01606f607ad1e82a6fa6b2a552  /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoNode1.xml.lzo
    722b702937db7aedcb03346229fcc38363b2c378  /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoRelay1.json.lzo
    05ea89a8d904f436c60bd326315724e79c5c47de  /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoRelay1.xml.lzo
    ed15bfde68e6615b7615bd6230ca8040a50f5f28  /etc/cmh-ludl/I_Arduino1.xml.lzo
    2f0603b6192006f88e3582788a13a168391ceee4  /etc/cmh-ludl/L_Arduino.lua.lzo
    dc1e8a26833890f2d1f412c9b2e915724576cbd4  /etc/cmh-ludl/S_Arduino.xml.lzo
    64f886de376e2d932cd55bdf8a6367ed7a394d55  /etc/cmh-ludl/S_ArduinoNode.xml.lzo

  • Hello,
    Thank you for your patience with this... It looks like the files match but some of the checksums do not. Below is what I found on my vera..
    6cde9f3c5f8d5eae74500ef237296e535344ee99 /etc/cmh-ludl/D_Arduino1.json.lzo
    e3c4493c7dff216c152b8a4d50c169acf636b1fc /etc/cmh-ludl/D_Arduino1.xml.lzo
    b5b5dac4e0441c889fae60ef0db00f5b8b5ebf9e /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoNode1.json.lzo
    7d66187bb75beb01606f607ad1e82a6fa6b2a552 /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoNode1.xml.lzo
    722b702937db7aedcb03346229fcc38363b2c378 /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoRelay1.json.lzo
    05ea89a8d904f436c60bd326315724e79c5c47de /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoRelay1.xml.lzo
    ed15bfde68e6615b7615bd6230ca8040a50f5f28 /etc/cmh-ludl/I_Arduino1.xml.lzo
    ddc609fc75936e6ed586f25b880cee560250ab6b /etc/cmh-ludl/L_Arduino.lua.lzo
    daba9c401302734735bdddeacd312f47ddcbabcd /etc/cmh-ludl/S_Arduino.xml.lzo
    64f886de376e2d932cd55bdf8a6367ed7a394d55 /etc/cmh-ludl/S_ArduinoNode.xml.lzo

  • Admin

    @GRB Ok, let's try to replace the existing plugin files by doing the following.

    1. ssh into your vera and remove the existing plugin by typing the following command

    rm /etc/cmh-ludl/*_Arduino*

    1. On your PC, download a .zip of the UI7 only branch from https://api.github.com/repos/mysensors/Vera/zipball/UI7 This will ensure that you are pulling the latest UI7 branch from GitHub (avoid git nuances). The downloaded file should be named mysensors-Vera-73ed9b7.zip. Unzip mysensors-Vera-73ed9b7.zip unless your browser unzips automatically.

    2. ssh into your vera and log the plugin output by entering the following command:

    tail -f /var/log/cmh/LuaUPnP.log | grep Arduino

    This will log the output for the next step.

    1. Using the Vera UI (Apps->Develop Apps->Luup files), upload the following plugin files to your Vera from the mysensors-Vera-73ed9b7 directory (be sure "Restart Luup after reload" is checked).
    1. Confirm the install versions by entering the following command:
    sha1sum /etc/cmh-ludl/*_Arduino*

    Please post the results.

    1. On your vera, confirm that the plugin initialized properly by looking at the log results from step 3. Please post the log results here.

    Hopefully, the root cause is just a botched plugin install... This should rule it out.

  • Hello
    The checksum results look good..
    f9875310ea581c6384046dfd733dc5c9e436ef20 /etc/cmh-ludl/D_Arduino1.json.lzo
    e3c4493c7dff216c152b8a4d50c169acf636b1fc /etc/cmh-ludl/D_Arduino1.xml.lzo
    8f0186c85c9a6ef6e0e8ba0755f88cbb5d326e30 /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoNode1.json.lzo
    7d66187bb75beb01606f607ad1e82a6fa6b2a552 /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoNode1.xml.lzo
    722b702937db7aedcb03346229fcc38363b2c378 /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoRelay1.json.lzo
    05ea89a8d904f436c60bd326315724e79c5c47de /etc/cmh-ludl/D_ArduinoRelay1.xml.lzo
    ed15bfde68e6615b7615bd6230ca8040a50f5f28 /etc/cmh-ludl/I_Arduino1.xml.lzo
    2f0603b6192006f88e3582788a13a168391ceee4 /etc/cmh-ludl/L_Arduino.lua.lzo
    dc1e8a26833890f2d1f412c9b2e915724576cbd4 /etc/cmh-ludl/S_Arduino.xml.lzo
    64f886de376e2d932cd55bdf8a6367ed7a394d55 /etc/cmh-ludl/S_ArduinoNode.xml.lzo

    It does not look like there are any errors on the arduino plugin.. I need to dig ot one of my sensors and see if it is working correctly - thank you for your help

  • Admin

    @GRB Super! Let us know if the final verification with an actual sensor works and feel free to ask questions if it doesn't.

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