RFID Reader ID-3LA
Hello everybody,
i am trying to establish a node with a RFID reader to recognice which Resident is at home. Therefore I have a ID-3LA including antenna.
The reader works fin with this sketch:#include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial rfid = SoftwareSerial(5, 6); String msg; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); rfid.begin(9600); Serial.println("Ready"); } void loop(){ msg = ""; while(rfid.available()>0) { msg += char(rfid.read()); delay(1); } if(msg.length() >= 13) { msg=msg.substring(1,13); tone(4, 262, 100); Serial.println(msg); } }
this code results on the serial Monitor with 9600 baud in something like:
0100B058FD14which is excactly what i want (for now).
But Iam strugeling implementing it into MySensors, that is what i came up with:
/** * ID-3LA Arduino * ----- ------- * GND -> GND * VCC -> +3.3V * D0 -> D5 * D1 -> D6 * FORM -> GND */ // Enable debug prints to serial monitor #define MY_DEBUG // Enable and select radio type attached #define MY_RADIO_NRF24 //#define MY_RADIO_RFM69 #define MY_NODE_ID 102 #include <SPI.h> #include <MySensors.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial rfid = SoftwareSerial(5, 6); String key; #define CHILD_ID 1 // Id of the sensor child MyMessage KeyMsg(CHILD_ID, V_VAR1); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); rfid.begin(9600); //Serial.println("Ready"); } void presentation() { sendSketchInfo("RFID Reader", "1.0"); present(CHILD_ID, S_CUSTOM); } void loop(){ key = ""; while(rfid.available()>0) { key += char(rfid.read()); delay(1); } if(key.length() >= 13) { key=key.substring(1,13); Serial.println(key); send(KeyMsg.set(key)); } }
but i do not get any readings... as i still consider myself as a started i have very little clou where to beginn finding the wrong/missing parts. It would be great to get some indications or tips.
thanks in advance!
@jeti could you post the debug output of the node? I looked at the sketch but didn't notice anyhong suspicious.
so this is the debug:
I also just figurer out, that i can only see the tag code when i use 9600 baud, thats why the first line is messed up. When i use 115200 baud the tag ID does not show up...¸Ëÿi"ùŸÒ9q„Š3ñ“â@Ù8>‹`ÿÊ<›Ð%ŠÆ/t6þTSP:MSG:SEND 102-102-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=15,pt=6,l=2,sg=0,ft=0,st=ok:0100 TSP:MSG:SEND 102-102-0-0 s=255,c=0,t=17,pt=0,l=5,sg=0,ft=0,st=ok:2.0.0 TSP:MSG:SEND 102-102-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,ft=0,st=ok:0 TSP:MSG:READ 0-0-102 s=255,c=3,t=15,pt=6,l=2,sg=0:0100 TSP:MSG:READ 0-0-102 s=255,c=3,t=6,pt=0,l=1,sg=0:M TSP:MSG:SEND 102-102-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=11,pt=0,l=11,sg=0,ft=0,st=ok:RFID Reader TSP:MSG:SEND 102-102-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=12,pt=0,l=3,sg=0,ft=0,st=ok:1.0 TSP:MSG:SEND 102-102-0-0 s=1,c=0,t=23,pt=0,l=0,sg=0,ft=0,st=ok: Request registration... TSP:MSG:SEND 102-102-0-0 s=255,c=3,t=26,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,ft=0,st=ok:2 TSP:MSG:READ 0-0-102 s=255,c=3,t=27,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:1 Node registration=1 Init complete, id=102, parent=0, distance=1, registration=1 TSP:MSG:READ 154-154-255 s=255,c=3,t=7,pt=0,l=0,sg=0: TSP:MSG:BC 0100B058FD1 TSP:MSG:SEND 102-102-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=47,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,ft=0,st=ok:1 0100B058FD1 TSP:MSG:SEND 102-102-0-0 s=1,c=1,t=47,pt=1,l=1,sg=0,ft=0,st=ok:1 TSP:MSG:READ 154-154-255 s=255,c=3,t=7,pt=0,l=0,sg=0: TSP:MSG:BC
can it be the case the the format of the tag ID is not correct?
@jeti Looks like it has no trouble reading the tag, the print fro the node matches the one you got with the first sketch. st=ok means that the gateway acknowledged the message so it got through alright.
What does the gateway receive? (could you post the debug log?)
I think the problem is that Domoticz doesn't support V_VAR1. This post suggests to use V_TEXT instead.
I am using FHEM as controller.
Log of the gateway:
0;255;3;0;9;TSP:MSG:READ 102-102-0 s=1,c=1,t=24,pt=1,l=1,sg=0:1
102;1;1;0;24;1so it receives a "1" correct?
Can Mysesnors handle strings?
@jeti Yes that is correct.
https://forum.mysensors.org/topic/666/debug-faq-and-how-ask-for-help/4 has info on how to read the debug messages.
pt=1 means payload type 1. Payload type 1 is "byte". According to https://www.mysensors.org/download/serial_api_20#variable-types V_VAR1 has a custom type. I don't know what that means, but it looks like the MySensors library interprets that as a byte, which won't be very useful for sending an RFID tag. I have not used the custom variable types and I don't know how they work unfortunately.
Yes, MySensors handles strings. Use S_INFO and V_TEXT as suggested in the post I linked to above.
also with S_INFO amd V_TEXT the gateway only receives a "1"...I just searched and played a little more and i got i working now:
/** * ID-3LA Arduino * ----- ------- * GND -> GND * VCC -> +3.3V * D0 -> D5 * D1 -> D6 * FORM -> GND */ // Enable debug prints to serial monitor #define MY_DEBUG // Enable and select radio type attached #define MY_RADIO_NRF24 //#define MY_RADIO_RFM69 #define MY_NODE_ID 102 #include <SPI.h> #include <MySensors.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial rfid = SoftwareSerial(5, 6); int val = 0; char code[10]; int bytesread = 0; #define CHILD_ID 1 // Id of the sensor child MyMessage KeyMsg(CHILD_ID, V_VAR1); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); rfid.begin(9600); //Serial.println("Ready"); } void presentation() { sendSketchInfo("RFID Reader", "1.0"); present(CHILD_ID, S_CUSTOM); } void loop(){ if(rfid.available() > 0) { // if data available from reader if((val = rfid.read()) == 10) { // check for header bytesread = 0; while(bytesread<10) { // read 10 digit code if( rfid.available() > 0) { val = rfid.read(); if((val == 10)||(val == 13)) { // if header or stop bytes before the 10 digit reading break; // stop reading } code[bytesread] = val; // add the digit bytesread++; // ready to read next digit } } if(bytesread == 10) { // if 10 digit read is complete Serial.print("TAG code is: "); // possibly a good TAG Serial.println(code); // print the TAG code } bytesread = 0; Serial.println(code); send(KeyMsg.set(code)); } } }
The issue seemed to be the string, now with a char it works...
now i only need to get reset the reader every now an then to recognice if a tag is removed. The reader only updates when a tag enters the reading adistance but not when it leaves it.
@jeti great work!