Where do i start?

  • Hi i have used arduino a while now i have a local Blynk server, but i am interested in mysensors the one thing i dont see here.... how to get started... do i need to setup a server with software where everything is running from (like Blynk?) od does it al run on a arduino... i have a uno a mega2560 and a bout 10 nodemcu v3.... where to start...? what i want to acomplish is a home automation including a alarm function when i leave yhe house....

  • To start, first decide what controller software you want to use (https://www.mysensors.org/controller).
    Then you can start to built a sensor network (https://www.mysensors.org/about/network).
    Typically, all the sensors are based on small Microcontrollers (most of the time: ATMega328). For using ESP8266-based Hardware (NodeMCU), you'd better have a look at other projects like ESPEasy ot Tasmota. Most controller sw supporting MySensors will also have a kind of plugin for these type of (ESP8266-) firmwares.

  • @reindier Start here:

    @reindier said in Where do i start?:

    do i need to setup a server with software where everything is running from (like Blynk?) od does it al run on a arduino

    Your nodes will most likely be arduino based, but they will transmit their data to a gateway node that is then connected to some kind of server/controller. You can find the list of supported controllers here:
    The hardware for these controlers can be something as simple as a Rapberry pi or an old PC, or it can work with some dedicated home automation controllers such as the Vera line of controllers. One that is fairly easy to get started with is Domoticz:

    The MySensors community is very large and has great support in this forum. If you are stumped on anything, post your question in the forum and you will usually get a pretty quick response.

    Welcome to MySensors.

  • @reindier I discovered mysensors while also looking if it was possible to build my own alarm system.
    I am pleased to report that it is quite possible if you don't mind the fun of building and fault finding.
    I started a few months ago by building some PIR sensors and a serial gateway on a raspberry pi running Domoticz.
    From there on I'm slowly adding to the system. I now have notifications for doorbell, outside temperature, solar panel voltage, sensor battery voltages, Sonoff light running Tasmota..... just this week I've swapped over to an ethernet gateway.

    All the information is available if you take the time to browse the site. Lots of help on the forum as well.

  • I have made the same journey starting a few years back.

    I am using OpenHab www.openhab.org as the controller. First running on an RPi, now on a NUC-clone.

    Two MySensors MQTT GWs. One using an NodeMCU the other an old RPi A. About a dozen of sensors based on Arduino Pro Mini, most on battery.

    One piece of advise: Do not start by trying to put everything (sensor, GW (and controller)) in one node. It makes debugging much more difficult. Get yourself a couple of Arduinos (Mini or Nano) as sensor nodes. Then e.g. a Node MCU as GW and an RPi as controller. I think it makes understanding the system more easy.

    Also, start with a simple sensor like temperature. Building a PIR sensor as your first project is difficult, especially if you want it to operate on batteries.

  • In addition to the notes from @bgunnarb:

    • Using a repeater node to monitor the traffic in a serial console helped me a lot to understand the messages sent forth and back;
    • this also helps to identify RF trouble;
    • I personally absolutely dislike WiFi in home automation. Today, I use only serial GW's, and whenever possible, I built wired nodes using RS485 (with hardwareserial, a GW buit on a Pro Micro and CAN chips as transceivers); so I'd recommend also to start with a simple serial GW;
    • when testing new hardware, I often start with the mentionned PIR sensor sketch, but just using simple switches to simulate the real sensor hardware.

  • Thank you all for replying, I have a pc as server now for blynk so I can use that as controller, te nodemcu as gateway for Its WiFi signal but can I use more than 1 nodemcu?

    I already Build doorsensors And pir sensor And temp & hum And water temperature sensors on arduino, can I use those or do I have to build from scratch..,,?

  • @reindier Please add some more info on your setup.
    In general, an ESP8266-based node is only intented to be a gateway (also other hardware con be chosen).
    Possibilities about using more than one gateway depend on the controller software you intend to use. Some support it, but could have additional restrictions. In general, I'd never use a multiple NodeMCU-setup with sensors directly attached to this MCU type the "MySensors"-way but instead use standard (especially MQTT) options for them (outside MySensors).

    So what means "arduino" on your setup? Just the Arduino IDE for programming the ESP8266's? If it's really ATMega328 MCU's, I'd go for other transport layers than regular WiFi (eg. use RFM69 transceivers).

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