Supernoob question :)

  • Hy!
    I'm about to buy this and that but ... I'm still a bit confused about the controller.
    Let's say I want to make 5 temp sensors to deploy @home ... If I'm correct I'll need 6 Arduino (5 for the sensors and 1 for the gw) and ... what about the controller?
    My ultimate goal is to plot my five temp graphs to be available from internet, so that I can show my gIkneZ to friends 😆 and here comes the trouble!
    If I'm right I cannot connect the GW (let's say an ethernet gw) directly to my adsl router with a patch ... right?
    So? I need a controller to do the hard work to get real time values, store them properly and graph them?
    Could it be a notebook powerd on only few hours a day?
    Can I use my (always on) qnap?
    Do I have to dedicate some sort of netbook,notebook,raspberry for this? 😞

    Collateral question: can the gateway be wifi instead of ethernet?

    THX a lot!

  • Hero Member

    Your controller needs to be always on as the gw does not store the data. Rpi is very common and very economical. Common controllers are listed on the mysensors website under "build".

  • Thx for your reply ... so my question becomes: is anybody using a QNAP as a controller? Are there any QNAP apps that can handle the job?
    I've digged in the controllers page but I don't know if any of them could run into a QNAP 😞

    thx again,

  • I have seen some installation tutorial in Domoticz wiki, for sure on Synology, not sure if on Qnap - check that.

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