Auto beamerscreen with Arduno

  • Hello forum readers,

    I have a question about building my own "Auto beamer screen".
    I'm new with Arduno, but I am eager to learn how to build my own automated beamer screen.
    Can anybody tell me what do I have to order to build a beamer screen that automatically goes up and down? I like to build a big screen with the following dimensions (4 meter x 2.40 meter).
    Because its big I will need to have a powerful motor with forward and reverse.

    So my main question is. What do I have to order to build something like that (scope: Arduno stuff).
    Thank you in advance for any feedback ๐Ÿ™‚

    Best regards,


  • Iยดv done this for my friend while ago, only he had motorized screen already installed. But building screen is no problem as well. Use some tube motor - has build in end stops, and they are easy to adjust.
    Automation part depends on your projector - if you have trigger or no (newer does). You can use trigger signal to control screen without arduino trough relay. Check trigger current and better divide both circuits.
    More complex, but more fun is to use arduino + relay board. I did it this way, and added control of cabinet door (in which is projector located ). Arduino is also controlling temperature of Projector, and protect it from overheating in cabinet.

  • Hi Dwalt en Mikke,

    Thank you for your input/information.
    Based on your input I think that I can make a quick start!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Best regards,


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