Mysensors P.H et E.C prob

  • P.H meter & E.C meter Mysensors

  • Hello everyone !

    I develop C since 1998 on Gnu / Linux, I do it out of passion for this system.

    w basic equipment is found on the shop Mysensors must be ordered PH and EC probes on the site (super Supplier competent and they know their jobs!)

    P.H here for the reference probe

    Analog pH Meter Pro SKU: SEN0169


    E.C. here for the reference probe

    Analog Electrical Conductivity Meter (With Temprature Compensensation SKU: DFR0300


    Now you assemble the Mysensors documentation in respect for basic part I do not treat it here.

    For probes you absolutely had to 5v supply if you do not made it will pay cash in this action !!!

    Part Vcc.h you do not need to touch.

    The part of the code #define Offset 0.00 compensates for the calibration if there is need to calibrate ... 🙂

    I based on the DFRobot code I adapted to Mysensors so I do not reinvent the wheel 😉

    If you encounter compilation errors, check out your dependencies Code is 100% functional in all cases test and deploy figures in everyday use. Then the messages, it does not work I will not read ... (old-school RTFM) 🙂 🙂

    (Sorry for my english I'm not endow google in writing and speaking)

    See you soon for the Oxygen sensor! Haze5



    Vcc lib

    Specification Ph prob
    Specification Ec prob

  • Hi @haze5 ,

    I'm working on a hydroponic sensor, would you give me some feed back on my RFC?

    Also would you be interested in working on this toguether?


  • Hi,

    I have a problem when i try to to the compilation.
    Is it possible to have some help ?

    Les options de compilation ont été modifiées, tout sera recompilé
    R:\pH\1447768769814-mysensor_phmeter\1447768769814-mysensor_phmeter.ino:8:22: fatal error: MySensor.h: No such file or directory
     #include <MySensor.h>
    compilation terminated.
    exit status 1
    Erreur de compilation pour la carte Arduino/Genuino Uno

  • Mod

    @Diazovitch69 mysensorsssssss.h?

  • Hello here is why it does not compile as you want, the library must be MySensors 1.5.4 I tested today the compilation.

    that's why include<MySensor.h> and not MySensors.h

    I wish you a good day with my cordial greetings

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