Arduino Mega + sensor shield 2
I have tried to connect to the radio a Mega + shield, checked wiring numerous times...
I was on 3.3V, moved to 5V with compensation...
would there be a reason why a mega wouldn't work with mysensors?
@epierre Look here:
It looks like the pins are different.
ok so the post say this
pin D8-----------CE (chip enable in) SS pin D53----------CSN (chip select in) SCK pin D52----------SCK (SPI clock in) MOSI pin D51----------SDI (SPI Data in) MISO pin D50----------SDO (SPI data out) Gateway gw(8, 53, INCLUSION_MODE_TIME, INCLUSION_MODE_PIN, 6, 5, 4);
For a sensor I would translate it to :
Sensor gw(8, 53);
right ? --> but the serial debug is deaf when I do this... any idea ?
@epierre I'm sorry I have one but never used it.
So I would have to test that because I don't see any use for a mega as a sensor. I like them as small as possible
@marceltrapman me too, but here this will be my hoe monitor : light, sound, pressure, and polluants, I already have5 nodes on it.
I've found the SPI reference
51: MOSI Blue GND: GND Black 52: SCK Green 50: MISO Violet 48: CE Orange 49: CSN Yellow 3V: VCC Red Sensor gw(48,49)
OR alternative
GND: GND 52: SCK 50: MISO 9: CE 49: CSN 3V: VCC GND: GND Sensor gw(9,49) NOTE!! Most * problems with intermittent operation are because of electrical noise on the 3.3V Power supply. The MEGA is more of a problem with this. Solution: ADD bypass capacitors across GND and 3.3V ON the radio modules. One user said, "Just Solder a 100nF ceramic cap across the gnd and 3.3v pins direct on the nrf24l01+ modules!" Some have used a 1uF to 10uF capacitor.
ok this time I plugged myself on the 5V and it works !