• Admin

    Happy to annouce the new project sharing site

    The idea is to have a place for all the amazing MySensors and open hardware project popping up here on the forum. It's quite hard to get an overview in a forum like this.

    If you have build your own MySensors project (applies to both software and open hardware) you can share it more easily. Each project will get it's own forum thread under the new openhardware category.

    You can upload design files, attach videos, Code Bender examples and link the project to GitHub (to keep things in sync more easily).

    If you like a project, you can also make a small donation to the author.

    Well this all beta at the moment, so please report problems and/or feedback here.

  • Fantastic idea

  • 👍 nice idea. this obsoletes about 50% of my mysenors related bookmarks 😄

  • Hero Member

    This is very nice!

  • Hardware Contributor

    Another fantastic idea for the building of this project and community! Looking forward to submitting and investigating many of builds on! Thank you once again for your time and passion @hek and all the Admins...

  • Good job. I found a bug. I can't select the link in the BOM list. Google Chrome v47

  • Admin

    Yeah, it's on the short list. To link urls found in the bom.. But i wouldn't call it a bug exactly 😉

    But tonight I planned to work on a import script helping me to suck up OH projects. with as little as little effort as possible.

  • Congrats @hek this is great help for those whom aren't not familiar with hardware design

  • Very good idea !!

  • Hardware Contributor

    @hek Very happy with the file removal option! Makes maintaining the info better.

  • Admin

    Thanks, follow up on the automatic github import-crawler script. It's done, but I don't dare to push the button. 😉 It will probably spam the site and this forum with new projects. Some big players like Sparkfuns github account has 200+ projects alone.

    Well, I'll probably wait until I've thought it through.

  • Hardware Contributor


    Did you have any contact with Sparkfun? I would check if they mind their projects being published outside GITHUB. Maybe you will then need to make a blacklist for the crawler to avoid "asimilating" these projects. After all, we are not the Borg are we ?

  • Admin

    Haha. Resistance it futile.

    No, I haven't had any contact with them, and the server would probably not handle the sheer amount of data. So letting the bot lose won't happen in the near future.

    Interesting question though... Sparkfun claim their hardware is open source, so I Imagine distributing their design files in new channels shouldn't be illegal at least (keeping their license information of course).

  • Hardware Contributor


    True, it would not be illegal. But given the amount of information that would be copied, they could question the ability of the site to keep in sync. out of date info would make a bit dodgy. Especially for new users of MySensors library and the published hardware.

    I would also like to be informed when someone posts my designs somewhere. They can do that for sure (unless the site is owned by a Donald), but notification of the fact would be a minimum courtesy.

    Why not let the site grow with input from users themselves, instead of letting bots do that work ? If importing a project into the site is easy (and it feels that way to me), then this should be enough no ?

  • Hardware Contributor

    I agree with @GertSanders on the two points made just. I also would like to be notified when my project gets shared and also about the self uploading option rather than a bot. I do feel that the site has huge potential to aid in the open hardware community, growing the scope of our projects which in turn should grow MySensors too. If the uploads were done manually you could then either put a 'throttled bottleneck' or a complete halt on the uploads until you upgrade the server capacity/through-put. That way you can do it as and when needed, if the funds are available obviously.

  • Admin

    @GertSanders said:

    Why not let the site grow with input from users themselves,

    Yep, will do that.

    The script will still be useful for the daily sync job (of the current github connected projects) and if some new user wants to batch import all of their projects in one swoosh.

  • Hardware Contributor

    @hek said:

    @GertSanders said:

    Why not let the site grow with input from users themselves,

    Yep, will do that.

    The script will still be useful for the daily sync job (of the current github connected projects) and if some new user wants to batch import all of their projects in one swoosh.

    This last points adds in the ease to upload multiple projects. I would advertise this possibility, and use the script on demand. It's nice to know that importing from github is possible already, but it is even nicer to know that multiple projects can be added this way as well.

  • Admin

    New features: now generates top/bottom view images automatically when project contains gerber files (they should pop up in the files-tab, available for publication). This function may fail silently if it runs into problems rendering the gerbers.

    Added possibility to add stl-files. Good when you want to create a project containing enclosures. Had to skip online 3d-viewer for now. The stl-files should pop up in the design files tab.

    Also fixed some problems using firefox.

    A small update regarding new manufacturers: ITead will soon do integration tests, hope to have them on board soon.

  • Mod

    Great work @hek
    Would it be easy to include the openhardware description in the auto-created forum thread? I think that would make it easier for forum users to see the nice stuff available on openhardware.

  • Admin

    Yes, it would be possible (as both uses markdown)... but it could get messy with the embedded images. They are often relative to the domain so it would take some regex magic when pushing it to the forum.

    The box you see here is actually an iframe showing content directly on openhardware.

  • Admin

    I've developed a 3D rendering function for gerber files on You can zoom/pan/rotate using the mouse. For fullscreen, press the arrow symbol in the top right corner.

    If you want to enable this for your project. Just upload gerbers-files and make sure to publish them for your project.

    Here is an example:

  • Admin now shows a thumbnail and full interactive 3d rendering of stl files.

    So go ahead and post your 3D printable MySensors parts and boxes.

  • @hek is it possible to add middle click or ctrl+left click handler to this page?

    I'm using Firefox and it's impossible to open projects from this page in new browser tabs. Both mouse middle click and CTRL+left click isn't working. First one just scrolls browser window, second one opens project in the same tab instead of opening in new tab. Also it's impossible to right click on project preview image to select "Open Link in New Window" context menu item.

    The same thing in Microsoft Edge browser.

  • Admin

    I will check if I can fix the right click thing... the problem is each container contains alot of different actions based on where you click.

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