Auto Node ID Assignment Question
If a sensor node is set up to AUTO configure it's Node ID from the Gateway, how can I determine it's Node ID in order to identify it physically?
My scenario is I have 5 rooms each with a Temperature Sensor Node.. I need to know which node is in which room.
Just name your sensor nodes accordingly to the room they're in
If set to AUTO the controller needs to assign the nodeid. Gateway never assigns nodeid.
When you present a node to the controller you normally se a log or a new device. Name this like "kitchen temp" or something. The nodeID is for MySensors network, the name is in the controller for your own.
In this case I am not using a Controller, just a Gateway for now. It appears the GW is assigning a Node ID.
Nope - the MySensors GW does not assign any ID but if you use a static ID like (3 in this example) that would work.