2 controllers and 1 gateway - expected behavior??

  • Hi all,

    I'm moving my mysensors nodes from Vera to Home Assistant and I'm finding some issues related to inconsistencies in the info.

    Does anybody know if because I'm using 2 controllers at the same time pulling from the same Ethernet gateway they can be impacting each other?

    If I stop one of them the behavior is normal. When I have both looks like some commands are not reaching nodes or GW (switch on a relay, etc). This is not consistent either, sometimes goes fine others it's just unmanageable.

    Ideas?? Thoughts?

  • Admin

    The ethernet gateway is not designed to be used used together with by multiple controllers. For instance, what happens when two controllers replies to an id-request?

  • Well, that makes sense. Thank you sir.

    On your question. It depends. Sometimes just works others is like no command has been sent.

    So, form whomever have experience on migrating from one controller to another. What would it be the best approach? Shutdown the Vera side and work on HA directly adding all nodes? An step-by-step approach? (Sounds to me like no ... But better check)

  • Admin

    You could probably use nodered here, have nodered talk to your ethernet GW, and then let the Vera and other controllers talk to nodered. You can then route trafic around using nodered, and filter it.

    I'm using domoticz as primary controller, and experimenting with others on the side without any problems, filtering nodeid requests, so they are only delivered to Domoticz.

  • Thanks for the idea.

    Can you share some details on how to do that? I think it would be worth to try.


  • Admin


    Haven't tried it with a ethernet gw yet, as I'm using a serial gw. But there are some posts here on the forum regarding the use of node red, some of them also with hints on using ethernet gw.

    Use Node-Red to Allow Multiple Connections to Ethernet Gateway
    MyController+Domoticz at same time?
    nodered "injected" between domoticz and mysensors

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