Board design request

  • Hero Member


    I am wondering if there is an enterprising soul here who would consider taking on some commission design work for building me a sensor PCB and provide me with the design files I could send somewhere to create a small batch of 10 or 20 pieces. I think the board design is pretty standard compared to what has been discussed earlier, except that my microcontroller board is different. I have a bunch of moteinos and anarduinos lying around where the radio module is pre-soldered on to the board. I believe both of these are compatible with the Arduino pro mini in the pinout, and I am mostly interested in the pins along the long sides of the board. I'm very much open to suggestions for what it should contain, but the basic idea is that it should be quite general and contain most of what I should need for the usual tasks. My current list looks like this:

    1. Power connectors in some fashion
    2. A voltage divider to provide battery measurements
    3. The usual space for a temperature sensor, either with or without humidity
    4. Room for a bunch of other sensors, but this may be covered by the next point.
    5. several of the digital and analog pins laid out in a row with Vcc and ground in separate row on either side
    6. Room for a three colour LED with appropriate resistors
    7. Maybe room for a step up converter from 3.3 V to 5 V (I have no idea how this would work)
    8. Maybe room for a 3 V relay with connectors
    9. Anything else I have forgotten, will have to check the other threads in this forum 🙂

    My reason for this request is that I don't really have the time and arms (suffer from tendinitis) to do such a design myself, and I find that there is a limit for how many different things I can take an interest in :-/. I'm therefore willing to pay a reasonable price for your time and effort since it will allow me to skip some of the steps that I don't have the ability to do. I guess we can build on some of the other designs that are floating around here to get some ideas to start off with.

    If we get far enough I also need some tips for where to order up a batch. It is for instance possible to order boards pre-soldered with common components such as voltage divider and LED resistors? I'm not saying that I need that, I'm just trying to figure out what is possible.

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