Hacking a generic motion detector light
I've been thinking about trying to modify a generic motion detector light (eg https://www.amazon.com/Heath-Zenith-HZ-5411-WH-Motion-Security/dp/B00002N7FP/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1466779296&sr=8-4&keywords=motion+detector+light) to be controllable with Mysensors and am curious if anyone has any experience with these types of devices.
I'd like to be able to:
- Detect when motion is sensed and send that to the gateway (motion node)
- Be able to send a command to turn the light on/off by sending a signal (relay node)
- Allow the motion detector light to operate as it normally would if the Mysensors controller is not available
I have not purchased a device to test this with so I'm unsure what to expect. I'm hoping that these lights are converting the mains voltage to DC. If this is the case then I may be able to power the Arduino from that DC voltage and tap into the signal line for the motion detection portion. I'm also guessing that in taping into the signal line that I can 'fake' a motion event by replicating what's done by the motion sensor on the unit by replicating that with the Arduino similar to what the relay node does.
I'm making a lot of assumption without having a device to see what is going on so I'm posting to see if anyone has poked around with a similar device. Another big sticking point is that I would like the motion detector light to look stock so I'm hoping that I'll be able to tuck the Arduino and radio into the electrical box that the light is mounted to.
Any thoughts on what I might expect in doing this and/or any advice?
@chuckconnors This may give you some info: https://www.handymanhowto.com/how-to-wire-a-motion-activated-floodlight-with-an-insteon-in-linelinc-relay/
@Sparkman said:
@chuckconnors This may give you some info: https://www.handymanhowto.com/how-to-wire-a-motion-activated-floodlight-with-an-insteon-in-linelinc-relay/
AlThanks for this. Yes, it does shed some light on what to expect:
Motion sensor wires – all operate at 120VAC
Bummer. I was hoping not to have to deal with mains voltage. So now I'd have to be able to tie in a relay for controlling the light ON/OFF from the node (5V signal to 120V), some way to sense the 120V signal from the motion sensor, and an AC->DC transformer to power the node. This is making the project less appealing.
I don't have an Insteon controller and the device in the article doesn't come up at Amazon so I'm not sure if it's still available. Perhaps I could do this with Z-wave but I was hoping for a DIY solution to keep things on the cheap as I'd need to do this for three separate lights.
@chuckconnors An Aeotec ZWavevMicro Switch should work as it can sense 120v from the motion sensor to control the relay. I was looking to do that myself. There are LED motion detector lights that likely have DC in them already, but it looks like they are quite a bit more expensive.
@Sparkman said:
@chuckconnors An Aeotec Micro Switch should work as it can sense 120v from the motion sensor to control the relay. I was looking to do that myself.
AlRight, it's the cost that gets me. $40 x 3 = a whole lot of Arduinos and parts
@chuckconnors said:
Right, it's the cost that gets me. $40 x 3 = a whole lot of Arduinos and parts
That is true, but it does make for a clean install and is also UL approved.
@Sparkman said:
That is true, but it does make for a clean install and is also UL approved.
Yes to both of those. The UL Approved portion was in the back of mind in regards to this project already. I wish I had an unlimited amount of funds!