Mysensorised front door (doorbell, post-box)

  • I thought I'd share a recent project to mysensorise my front door by adding a doorbell sensor and postbox sensor. At the moment it just sends me a notification (via Telegram) when someone rings the front door or puts something through the postbox but I plan on getting a camera in the near future so it'll tie into that. I'm also thinking about creating a little node that will play sounds from an SD card when the doorbell is rung, so I can load it up with appropriately seasonal things like Halloween sound effects, Christmas jingles, etc.

    So here's the doorbell as it originally was - a simple, old battery-based doorbell. You can see that the contacts had got corroded over the years so it was quite a pain to clean it out every now and then + replace batteries to make it work, so I've got the added benefit of it now being AC powered.

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    Here's the work in progress in the 'lab' (I use that term extremely loosely).

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    I used the door/window/switch sketch and extended it for the additional postbox sensor + made it a repeater node since it's AC powered.

    Here it is all packed in.

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    Power is supplied via an old Nokia charger that was repurposed.

    What was the hardest part of this little project, I hear you ask? Glueing the wiring up the wall in a neat enough way that my wife would never notice. So far, she hasn't said a thing, so I reckon I'm in the clear - it's all about the WAF with these things.

    The code and circuit are nothing to write home about, but if anyone wants them, let me know.

    Thanks once more to Hek and all the mods, hardware heros and contributors for this awesome site.

  • Hero Member

    @mrwomble said:

    What was the hardest part of this little project, I hear you ask? Glueing the wiring up the wall in a neat enough way that my wife would never notice.

    LOL I know what you mean. 🙂

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