Weather station (the easy way)
I'm still strugling with my 'innovative' weather station. I will be using a acceleration sensor and 'almost' ready. Hope to finish it this winter. In the mean time... at the Weather Underground website. It seems there are a lot of 'neighbours' within a circle of a few hunderd meters who invested and enormous amount in equipment and... publishing the measurements together with professional weather stations.
After a few minutes of searching, I found the work of Daniel Eichorn who built an esp8266 weather station which I was able to tweak a little and MySensor'ise..
The work of Daniel is documented well and the libraries can be installed from the Arduino IDE library manager.I changed the "Weather underground" library a little to get more information from WU and added the MySensors stuff to to main sketch. You can find both on my git.
below a MyController screenshot of a few weather parameters.
These values are sent to the controller
send(msgTemp.setSensor(temperatureChild).set(wunderground.getCurrentTemp().toFloat(),1)) ; send(msgTemp.setSensor(temperatureDewpointChild).set(wunderground.getDewPoint().toFloat(),1)) ; send(msgTemp.setSensor(temperatureFeelsLikeChild).set(wunderground.getFeelsLike().toFloat(),1)) ; send(msgHum.set(wunderground.getHumidity().toFloat(), 0)) ; send(msgPressure.set(wunderground.getPressure().toFloat(), 0)) ; send(msgWindSpeed.set(wunderground.getWindSpeed().toFloat(), 0)) ; send(msgWindGust.set(wunderground.getWindGust().toFloat(), 0)) ; send(msgWindDirection.set(wunderground.getWindDegrees().toFloat(), 0)) ; send(msgRain.set(wunderground.getPrecipitationToday().toFloat(), 0)) ; send(msgRainRate.set(wunderground.getPrecipitationLastHour().toFloat(), 0)) ; send(msgUV.set(wunderground.getUV().toFloat(), 0)) ;
The hardware (a nodemcu / oled display / Ikea frame and duct tape..)
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