MYSBootloader - different pin for CE (nrf24)
Hi all,
I'm planning to use MYSBootloader with a network of nrf24 modules. I have just ordered an USBasp, but I have a doubt..I was changing my sketches to free a PWM pin and I choose to assign MY_RF24_CE_PIN to pin 14 (instead of pin 9).
I think that this could cause some problem with MYSBootloader configuration.
Isn't it?What are the requirements to install MYSBootloader?
I haven't found any specific documentation but looking in the MYSBootloader's code I found this two checks in HW.h ( defined(SPI_PINS_CE9_CSN10) .. #elif defined(SPI_PINS_CSN7_CE8) .. #endif
does it mean that those PINs (9+10 or 7+8) are the only options to have MYSBootloader on Arduino boards? (obviously without modifying the code and recompiling..)