how to use a pwm output
I would like to dim led strip easyli with node manager, is it possible?
Hi, a feature request for this is already in (, it should be part of the next release. Thanks
@user2684 Great news, thank you! I hate to experiment a new toy! thank you for what you do guys
Fisrt of all, thannks again, i love node manager! I'm trying the new PWM driver but there's something strange : i used to use the dimmableLEDactuator( Which is on of the exemple to dim a led with mysensors) with Domoticz. In DOmoticz, i chose the dimable fonction, and i can stop or start the light by on/off action. Is that possible to do that with th new version of NM?
@MCF thanks
In this first implementation we are exposing a single child id, the one controlling the percentage. For the on/off action we would need an additional V_STATUS child id (more information on the implementation on I thought would be redundant since on/off can be set with the percentage, if this is not the case let me know and I'll open a new request for the next release. Thanks
I just can't send 0 via domoticz right now! I'll see how to emplement this fonction on your link, because i prefer shuting down or up by on/off and after if i want, dimming the light! thank you for your answer!
@MCF got it, sorry if it is not working in your environment with the current implementation Should you make any change in that direction and want to share, feel free to post the solution here or by submitting a pull request on the repository so it will be added to the code for the next release. Thanks!
@user2684 Hi, can you you please help me, i just down know where to begin to add V_STATUS in the dimmer code (i learn by my self, but it's a litle bit hard to understand mysensors for me, thats why i use node manager!!) Thank you!
@MCF I spent some time thinking about it and I'm afraid with the current implementation it may be a bit too hard because would require a completely different sensor and a way to share variables among the two sensors. I think would help solving the problem so I'd wait until that issue will be fixed. Not a quick task though since it implies a complete review of the architecture. Thanks
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