Gateway echoing to specific node
Hi all,
I've been using mysensors for more than 3 years now, but mostly for datalogging. I never used a controller, but only fetched all messages via the serial gateway using LabView. Node numbering (both end nodes and repeaters) was done by using MY_NODE_ID and MY_PARENT_NODE_ID and MY_PARENT_NODE_ID_IS_STATIC.
all works like charm.Now I want to push my network into domitics. I have a rapsberry-pi lying around, but don't want to throw away my datalogging piece of software, so my setup would preferrably something like that all messages arriving in the serial gateway will be echoed towards a specific node (let's call it node # 253) which is put into debug-mode and from which I can easily read the messages I formerly got from the serial gateway?
The raspberry pi will log data as well, but enables me to switch some lights, turns on the heater and so on.
Would that scenario be possible, or are there other methods to get this working?
@boozz node-red can forward the serial data to any number of places. Domoticz, log file on the rpi, tcp and more. See for some nodered references.