RollerShutter V_VAR1 interferes with V_PERCENTAGE?
I'm using last stable versions of OH2 and MySensors with MQTT binding and building some cheap arduino based rollershutter, everything worked fine, until I sent V_VAR1 variable to controller - then it sets V_PERCENTAGE to 0 and doesn't change V_VAR1 at all.
And now i have an idea that V_VARx variables is not supported in OH2 for rollershutter, am I right?
what do you need V_VAR1 for?
@gohan i thought of using it as a flag for calibrating sequence (marking top and bottom position, counting steps etc)
isn't calibration routine on the Arduino? It should be performed automatically whenever it is lost or it missed some steps. Or are you calibrating it manually and sending the values to the node?
Btw, there is a roller shutter project in openhardware with code to look at if you want.
@gohan yeah I saw that project, but that's for semi-automatic roller shutter, am I right? I want to make a node for manual cover with that chain-like string (actually it's small spheres, i don't know how it's called) with stepper motor. Anyway I'm fine without additional variables already )
@madelle-kamois This has been done before. For some inspiration ->
@madelle-kamois that would work for any motorized blind as it acts as a controller for the motor, the motor part you have to find it yourself or build it
@korttoma oh thanks, i'll check that thread later. I'm trying to make it more compact and with some additional sensors, but base is same I think )
You could make it smaller with ssr instead of relays, but if it is mains powered it will have the on board power supply no matter what
@gohan that's the point - I don't wanna use any relays - I want to build small case with stepper motor and a little driver inside
Using a stepper it's a different story
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